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MINUTES JF TI-il,; liliGJLAI .z} STING THE <br />ROAM OF CCU w'.415SIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY, <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, February 5th: 1968 <br />A Regular i'deeting of the Board of Coluntissioners for' County, <br />was held at the Commisaiouera' Room in the Lee County Courthouse, Sanford, North <br />Carolina, at 10 o'clock a. m.. Monday, February 5th, 1968, Those present were <br />Chairman John E. Datterer, Comadastoners Max McLeod, A. F. White, Franklin 1). <br />Wicker, and Charles Robert Yow. None of the Commissioners were absent. <br />Chairman John E. Votterer prosided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />The meeting was opened by a prayer given by the Reverend Bewey <br />Shaver. <br />Mr. Harvey Greeson appeared before tbs. Board on behalf of the <br />Band Parents Organization and advised the Board that the United Fund had reduced <br />their budget by $400.00 and that they were in seed of $`1`.200.00 additional funds <br />by next year to help further the program of the Bunn at Central High Sclmai: 'dlr. <br />Creeson was advis¢d that his request for funds should be crude through the Board of <br />i<ducation of the Sanford City Administrative Unit and that tite Commissioners would <br />discuss the matter with that Board when the Budget was made ulp, tar the Coming' fl9caj <br />year. <br />The list of nwnthly bills as tabulated by the County Accountant were <br />presented to the Board and reviewed. Upon motion of Geunmiiaaioiaer dicker, seconded <br />by Commissioner McLeod, and unanimously adopted, 'apon'a vote, ft was RESOL'VI L) <br />to pay the hills as listed. <br />Comirdsaioner McLeod presented a petition requesting addition to the <br />State -laiutained Secondary Road System of the road kgozvs as the Lee Ele mentary +cho <br />Housing Development Road. After discussion, Commissioner McLeod moved the <br />adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHIZ, REAS, the attached petition. hsa. been filed. <br />with the Lard of County Commictsionare of the County of <br />Lee requesting that. the above described road.. the location <br />of which has been ladicated,in red oa, ttie ntta.ched map, be <br />added to the Secondary goad System; and <br />W HER R AS, the Board of County CocnnAssioners is <br />of the opinion that. the above described road should be added <br />to the Secondary Road System, if.the. road duets minimum <br />standards and criteria estabiiiihed by the State Highway Comm- <br />ission for the addition of roads to the System. <br />Now, it resolved by the Board of <br />County Comadseioners of the County of Lee that the State <br />Highway C_onuidesion is.hereby requested to review he above <br />described road, and to tale over the road for maintenance if <br />it meets established standards and criteria. <br />