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1968 - 04-01-68 Regular Meeting
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1968 - 04-01-68 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
7/15/2010 9:04:35 AM
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7/15/2010 9:04:14 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK ~dP€~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Wicker, seconded by Commissioner <br />McLeod, and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED to rent the M. C. Covington <br />building for use as office space by the Sanford City Board of Education and the <br />Sandhills Community Action Program, and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized <br />to enter into a written lease for the rental of said building at the rent of $200.00 per <br />month, with provision that either party could terminate by giving 60 days notice. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYE: McLeod, White, Wicker, Yow and Dotterer. <br />NO: None <br />Chairman Dotterer advised the Board that it was time tocpen bids <br />for the Police type automobile for use by the Sheriff's Department in accordance <br />with the published request for bids and proposals. The only bid received was the bid <br />of Lee Motor Company, Inc., in the amount of $2, 533.93, which includes $37.45 in <br />N. C. Sales tax, which the County can get refunded. Upon motion of Commissioner <br />Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Yow, and unanimously adopted upon a vote, it <br />was RESOLVED to accept the bid of Lee Motor Company, Inc. <br />Mr. Y. Mack Condor, Chairman of the Lee County Planning Board, <br />Mr. John F. Wood, County Building Inspector, and Mr. Philip Lettsinger, of the <br />Division of Community Planning of the N. C. Department of Conservation and Develop- <br />ment, appeared before the Board and recommended the adoption of the North <br />Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code. The matter was discussed at length <br />and taken under advisement by the Board, but no formal action was taken at this <br />meeting. <br />The committee on job classification and standard pay plan, consisting <br />of Mr. Raymond Ledford, Chairman, Mr. Elliott Clark, and Mr. William Smith, <br />Sheriff D. F. Holder and Mrs. Beatrice Fields, appeared before the Board, together <br />with Mr. John Jenette, of the State Personnel Board. The committee presented a <br />preliminary job classifications schedule and recommended an annual salary schedule <br />which would be three grades below the state standard except for professional <br />employees who were to be one step below standard. The proposals of the committee <br />were taken under advisement and no formal action was taken at this meeting. <br />The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:30 o'clock p. m. <br />The meeting reconvened at 2:00 o'clock p. m., with all members <br />present. <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Dr. Ronald Levene, Director of the Division of Community Health, <br />appeared before the Board and presented a proposed budget for a combined Harnett- <br />Lee County District Health Department, and reviewed the makeup of such a <br />Department with the Board. No formal action was taken at this meeting. <br />Commissioner McLeod moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE COUNTY OF LEE, that Dr. J. M. McKinnon, a <br />licensed Veterinarian, is hereby appointed rabies inspector, <br />to conduct a campaign of vaccination, pursuant to Part 7, <br />Article 37, Chapter 106 of the General Statutes and the <br />vaccination fee is hereby set at $2.00 for each dog so <br />vaccinated. <br />J Commissioner White seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Page two <br />
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