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BOOK 7 PAGE 22 5 <br />E <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners <br />for Lee County, as follows: <br />1. That the sum of $5, 700.00 is appropriated from the <br />unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the Health Fund <br />for the purpose of paying the balance of the purchase price for <br />the property of Dr. A. M. Oelricb and John C. Foushee at the <br />intersection of Carthage Street and Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, <br />N. C. <br />2. That the Chairman and Clerk are authorized to execute <br />a deed to the lot fronting 120 feet on Carbonton Road and running <br />back 150 feet on Highland Drive to Drs. Oelrich and Foushee or <br />their designees and to deliver said deed and a check for $5,700.00 <br />in exchange for a deed to the County of Lee for the property of <br />Drs. Oelrich and Foushee at the intersection of-Carthage Street <br />and Hillcrest Drive, Sanford ~_N4 C. <br />3. That the Chairman: and Clerk are authorized to <br />execute a lease for the property acquired at the intersection <br />of Carthage Street and Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, in the <br />manner and form presented to the Board to provide for free <br />occupancy through 1968 and a monthly rental of $100.00 there- <br />after. <br />Commissioner McLeod seconded the motion and the resolution <br />was unanimously adopted upon a roll call vote as follows: <br />AYE: McLeod, White, Wicker, Yow and Dotterer <br />NO: None <br />The Chairman advised the Board that the terms of Mr. Joe Taylor <br />and Mrs. J. Shelton Wicker on the Youth Development Commission had expired and <br />that Mr. Ken Bishop had resigned from the Commission. Commissioner Yow moved <br />that Mr. W. B. Pittman be appointed to ;fill the unexpired term of Mr. Bishop and that <br />Mrs. J . Shelton Wicker and Mr. Joe Taylor be reappointed to the Commission for the <br />regular 3 year term. Commissioner White seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The Board then opened bids for automobiles for the Sheriff°s <br />Department. The only bid received was from Lee Motor Company, which was a total <br />of $7, 751.79, with an allowance of $500.00 for the trade in of the 1965-auto presently <br />used by said department on a net bid of $7, 251.79. The bid was approved and accepted <br />upon motion of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Wicker, unanimous- <br />ly adopted by a roll call vote as follows: <br />AYE: McLeod, White, Wicker, Yow and Dotterer <br />NO, None <br />The Chairman reported he had received a request from the un- <br />opposed Democratic Candidate for Constable for appointment as such officer now <br />since she asserted the office was vacant. Sheriff Holder was asked todetermine <br />if the present Constable had vacated the office and to report back to the Board. <br />Chairman Dotterer read to the Board a letter from the Conser- <br />vation and Development Department about theopportunity for some citizen to serve <br />as an extra in a movie. The press was requested to give publicity to the opportunity. <br />Mr. W. B. Pittman appeared before the Board and presented a <br />resolution pertaining to the project for construction of a mental health clinic for <br />consideration by the Board. After discussion, Commissioner Wicker moved the <br />adoption of the following: <br />- 4- <br />