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96CK i PACE224 <br />(1) The public hearing upon said Bond Order <br />shall be held on the lst day of July, 1968, at 10:30 <br />o'clock, A. M., at the regular meeting room of the Board <br />of Commissioners at the Courthouse in Sanford, North <br />Carolina. <br />(2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is <br />hereby directed to cause a copy of said Bond Order to be <br />published with a notice of such hearing in the form pre- <br />scribed by law, in the Sanford Herald, a newspaper published <br />at Sanford, in the County of Lee, North Carolina, at least ten <br />days prior to such public hearing. <br />(3) The County Accountant is hereby requested to file <br />with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, at least ten days <br />prior- to such public hearing, a statement of the debt incurred <br />or to be incurred by the County for school purposes, in the form <br />prescribed by The County Finance Act. <br />The motion having been seconded by Commissioner Wicker, it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner <br />Wicker, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />WHEREAS, the County of Lee intends to apply to the <br />Local Government Commission of North Carolina for approval <br />of the issuance of the $5, 000, 000 bonds of the County authorized by <br />the Bond Order introduced at a meeting of the Board of Commission- <br />ers held on June 3, 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br />(1) The action of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board <br />of Commissioners in filing with the Local Government Commiss- <br />ion of North Carolina an application for its approval of said bonds, <br />on a form prescribed by said Commission, and stating in such <br />application such facts and attaching thereto such exhibits re- <br />garding such bonds and the County and its financial condition, <br />as may be required by said Commission is hereby ratified and <br />confirmed. <br />(2) The action of the Clerk of the Board of Commission- <br />ers in causing notice of intention to file such application, con- <br />taining the information required by law to appear in such notice, <br />to be published once in each of two successive weeks in The <br />Sanford Herald, a newspaper published at Sanford, in the County <br />of Lee, North Carolina, is hereby ratified and confirmed. <br />Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion, and the motion was <br />adopted. Those voting for the resolution were Messrs. McLeod, White, Wicker, and <br />Dotterer. No one voted againstit. <br />Chairman Dotterer advised the Board he had received a letter from <br />the Sanford Beautification Commission thanking the Board for its participation in the <br />recent clean up program. <br />Commissioner Charles Robert Yow joined the meeting and <br />participated in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />Mr. William W. Staton, Attorney, appeared before the Board <br />and presented a deed and lease for the Sanford Surgical Clinic property at the inter- <br />section of Hillcrest Drive and Carthage Street in Sanford. These documents were <br />approved and Commissioner Wicker moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />- 3 - <br />