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1 <br />BOOK 7 FACE235 <br />-3a- <br />C1 <br />PERSONNEL RESOLUTION FOR THE COUNTY OF LEE <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners that the following <br />rules and regulations shall govern the appointment, classification, salary, <br />promotion, demotion, dismissal, and conditions of employment of the employees of <br />the County of Lee. <br />ARTICLE I. THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM <br />Section 1. Merit Principle. All appointments and promotions of employees <br />by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee (hereinafter called the <br />Governing Board) shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness. All <br />positions requiring the performance of the same duties and fulfillment of the <br />same responsibilities shall be assigned to the same class and the same salary <br />range. <br />Section 2. Responsibility of the Governing Board. The Governing Board <br />shall have ultimate responsibility for seeing that the following personnel <br />policies and rules, which shall apply to all appointed employees except those <br />specifically exempt, are properly administered. However, the Governing Board <br />shall appoint a County Personnel Committee to assist in the proper administration <br />and maintenance of the personnel plan. <br />Section 3. Appointment of Personnel Committee. The Governing Board shall <br />appoint a Committee consisting of five members. Two members shall be chosen from <br />the employees of the County, one of whom shall be the County Accountant; two <br />members shall be individuals actively engaged in the management of a private <br />enterprise or industry; and one member shall be a member of the Board of County <br />Commissioners. Of the initial members of the Committee, two shall be appointed <br />to serve for terms of two years, two shall be appointed to serve for terms of <br />Page five <br />