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u <br />C <br />soot 7 PAGE251 - - - - - - <br />-3q- <br />the Governing Board to hear the grievance. The Governing Board shall have the <br />authority in finally settling the matter, and they shall furnish the department <br />head and employee with a copy of their decision in writing, <br />ARTICLE VI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND POLITICAL ACTIVITY <br />Section 1. Applicability of Article. The provisions of this article shall <br />be applicable to all employees except those exempt in Article I, Section 5. <br />Section 2. Outside Employment. The work of the governmental unit shall have <br />precedence over the other occupational interest of employees. Conflicting outside <br />employment shall be grounds for dismissal or other disciplinary action. <br />Section 3. Political Activity Restricted, Every employee has a civic respon- <br />sibility to support good government by every available means and in every appropriate <br />manner. Each employee may join or affiliate with civic organizations of a partisan <br />or political nature, may attend political meetings, may advocate and support the <br />principles or policies of civic or political organizations in accordance with the <br />Constitution and Laws of the State of North Carolina and in accordance with the <br />Constitution and Laws of the United States of America. However, no employee shall <br />(1) engage in any political activity while on duty, (2) be required as a duty of <br />his office or employment, or condition for employment, promotion, or tenure of <br />office, to contribute funds fqr political or partisan purposes, (3) solicit, or <br />act as custodian of funds for political or partisan purposes, (4) coerce or compel <br />contributions for political or partisan purposes by any other employee of the <br />governmental unit, or (5) use any supplies or equipment of the governmental unit <br />for political purposes. Any violation of this section shall be deemed improper <br />conduct and shall subject such employee to dismissal or other disciplinary <br />action by the Governing authority. <br />Page twenty-one <br />