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0 0 <br />BOOK 1 FACE 24 8 <br />~3e1° <br />Workmen°s Compensation laws shall be dec.ucted from the sum paid by the govern- <br />mental unit. <br />(2) If the sickness or disability shall continue beyond the sixty <br />days the employee shall receive only those payments made under Workmen°s <br />Compensation laws and -may use his accumulated -vacation and/or sick 'Leave as a <br />supplemental payment using his monthly rate of salary as the basis for compen- <br />sation. <br />Section 7. Maternity Leave of Absence. On recommendation of the depart- <br />ment head, and with the approval of the Governing Board, an employee may be <br />granted maternity leave w_thou pay for a period not to exceed six (6) months. <br />Section 8. Petty Leave. <br />Each full-time, permanent, probationary, provisional, and temporary <br />employee shall be entitled to a credit of fourteen hours during the calendar <br />year for petty leave, with pay, against which shall be charged all tardiness <br />and minor absences. Petty leave for the calendar year shall be credited to <br />the employee on January 1. Leave to attend funerals should be charged to petty <br />leave, leave without pay, or vacation leave. Three and one-half hours of petty <br />leave will be credited to an employee when he begins work to take care of the <br />first three months of his employment. <br />Not more than 3 hours of petty leave may be taken in any one day. <br />Petty leave, with pay, shall not be earned by intermittent and <br />emergency employees. Part-time employees shall earn petty leave computed on <br />the basis that the proportion of time employed bears to the amount of leave <br />allowed for a full-time employee. <br />Petty leave is not accumulative and is not transferable. <br />When petty leave has been exhausted, an employee may transfer annual <br />leave in units of one-half day to his petty leave account. Not more than one <br />Page eighteen <br />