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11 <br />0 <br />- 6AOK w?47 _ <br />Section 7. Sick Leave. <br />(a) Sick Leave '.s a. Privilege. Sick :.'cave with pay is not a right <br />which an employee may demand- but a privilege gra.,ted by the governmental unit. <br />Notification of the desire to take sir-:k leave 91-.o:;7d be submitted to the employee's <br />department head prior to the leave cr not later than two hours after the beginning <br />of the scheduled work day. <br />(b) Sick Leave Earned. Each full-time employee shall earn sick leave <br />at the rate of one (1) working day per full calendar month of service. <br />(c) Gra:.ting of Sick-Lave. An employee may be granted sick leave <br />from work with pay for any earned aceumuli ted sick leave if his absence is due to <br />personal sickness, bodily injury, quarantine, required physical or dental exami- <br />nations or treatment, exposure to a contagious disease when continued work might <br />jeopardize the health of others, cr° the funeral of a member of the employee's <br />immediate family. <br />(d) Physican's Certificate. Department heads may require a Physician's <br />certificate as to the nature of the illness and as to the employee's physical <br />capacity to resume his duties for each occasion on which an employee uses sick <br />leave. The department head shall be responsible for the application of this <br />provision to the end that there will be no abuse of sick leave privileges. <br />(e) Sick Leave Accumulation. Sick Leave shall be cumulative up to <br />six calendar months.. <br />Section 6. Sickness or DisabilitZ_0_v&red by Workman's Compensation. An <br />employee absent from duty because of sickness or disability covered by the Work- <br />men's Compensation laws shall be eligible for the following benefits: <br />(1) Such employee shall receiva his full salary for the first sixty <br />working days of sickness or disability without charge to vacation or sick leave, <br />provided that any payment which the employee receives for this period under <br />Page seventeen <br />