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BOOK 7 PACE 246 <br />-37- <br />by the employee upon authorization by the department head. Employees subject <br />to the jurisdiction of the North Carolina State personnel Board and the North <br />Carolina Agricultural Extersion Service- shall earn vacation leave in accordance <br />with the personnel plains of these agencies- <br />M Granting of Vacation Leave. Employees shall be granted the use <br />of earned vacation l.eaue upon request or at those times designated by department <br />heads which will least obstruct normal operations of the department. Vacation <br />leave shall be cumulative to thirty (30) days and not more than thirty (30) days <br />of annual leave may be taken or paid for within a calendar year. If an employee <br />carries forward to a new calendar year as much as thirty (30) days, he must <br />take at least ten days (or fifteer: (15) days if employed ten (10) years or <br />longer) during that year since not more than thirty (3U) days may be carried <br />over from one calendar year to the next. <br />(c) Terminal. Pay- Upon submission of his resignation, an employee <br />shall be paid for vacation accumulated to the date of separation, provided he <br />has completed six or more months of continuous service and provided he has sub- <br />mitted notice to supervising department head at least two weeks in advance of <br />the effective date of separation. An employee who is involuntarily separated <br />without fault or delinquency on his part shall be paid for vacation leave <br />accumulated to the date of separation. Compensation for accumulated vacation <br />leave shall. not be paid an employee separated for reasons of fault or delin- <br />quency or who does not submit the required notice. Upon the death of a per- <br />manent employee, compensation for accumulated vacation leave shall be paid to <br />his estate. <br />Page sixteen <br />