BON 7 FACE 2 I 0
<br />the cost of erecting in the Lee County School Administrative Unit and in the Sanford
<br />City School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used asschool houses,
<br />school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacherages
<br />and lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and to reconstruct and enlarge, by
<br />the erection of additions, several existing buildings located in such unit and used for
<br />such purposes, and to acquire land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new
<br />or reconstructed or enlarged buildings in order to enable the County of Lee, as an adm-
<br />inistrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain
<br />public schools in said school administrative unit for the nine months' school term pres-
<br />cribed by law, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purposes not less than
<br />$5, 000, 000, in addition to other moneys which have been made available therefor,
<br />$2, 000, 000 of such moneys to be expended for such purposes in the Lee County School
<br />Administrative Unit and $3, 000, 000 of such moneys to be expended for such purposes
<br />in the Sanford City School Administrative Unit, and a tax therefor" and the words "Against
<br />the bond order authorizing $5, 000, 000 bonds to finance the cost of erecting in the Lee
<br />County School Administrative Unit and in the Sanford City School Administrative Unit
<br />several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education
<br />and vocational education buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms and other school plant
<br />facilities, and to reconstruct and enlarge, by the erection of additions, several existing
<br />buildings located in such unit and used for such purposes, and to acquire land, furnish-
<br />ings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildings in
<br />order to enable the County of Lee, as an administrative agency of the public school
<br />system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schools in said school admin-
<br />istrative unit for the nine months' school term prescribed by law, and that it will be
<br />necessary to expend for such purposes not less than $5, 000, 000, in addition to other
<br />moneys which have been made available therefor, $2, 000, 000 of such moneys to be
<br />expended for such purposes in the Lee County School Administrative Unit and $3, 000, 000
<br />of such moneys to be expended for such purposes in the Sanford City School Adminis-
<br />trative Unit and a tax therefor", in such form as will allow the voters at said election
<br />to vote for or against said bond order and said tax.
<br />In the event that a majority of the qualified voters voting at such
<br />election shall vote to approve such bond order and the incurring of such indebtedness
<br />and the levy of such taxes, said bonds shall be issued for the purpose described in such
<br />bond order and taxes shall be levied for the payment of such bonds.
<br />The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock A. M.,
<br />and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock P. M. The election will be held at the same poll-
<br />ing places at which the last election was held in Lee County for the electionof members
<br />of the General Assembly.
<br />The registration books of Lee County in such election precincts
<br />will be used for said election. All qualified voters whose names are not registered
<br />upon such registration books and who present themselves for registration may be
<br />registered on or before Augiisf::27, 1968, being the 21st day before said election by the fa
<br />Special Registration Commissioner at the office of the Lee County Register of Deeds in
<br />the Lee County Courthouse on any business day between 8:30 o'clock A. M. and 5:00
<br />o'clock P. m.
<br />Any qualified voter of the County who expects to be absent from the
<br />County during all of said election day or who, because of sickness or other physical
<br />disability will be unable to be present at the polls to vote in person on said day may
<br />apply for an absentee ballot to be used in voting at said election not earlier than forty-
<br />five days prior to said election and not later than 6:00 o'clock p. m. on September 11,
<br />1968.
<br />By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee.
<br />Dated: , 1968.
<br />Clerk of the Board 'of Commissioners of Lee County,
<br />North Carolina
<br />Page four
<br />