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COOK 7 PAGE?75 <br />and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The written resignation of Mrs. Rachel C. Beal, was presented to the <br />Board, and upon motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Wicker, <br />her resignation to be effective on August 30th, 1968, was accepted with regret. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Wicker, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, <br />and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED to approve the employment of Mrs. Patsy <br />J. Rogers for the Secretarial position in the office of the County Accountant. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Wicker, <br />it was unanimously RESOLVED to have the Library Building appraised by the Sanford <br />Board of Realtors and the amount of $125.00 was appropriated from the contingency and <br />emergency fund for this purpose. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYE: McLeod, White, Wicker and Yow <br />NO : None <br />The minutes of the last meeting of the County Planning Board were presented <br />to the Board. <br />The written report of the County Electrical Inspector was presented to the <br />Board. Upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned until 7:30 <br />o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, August 7th, 1968. <br />