G I, 3
<br />DC-251 (Revised April 2010)
<br />3. Enter any permit required confined space including but not limited to sewer
<br />• manholes, lift stations, water tanks, chlorine contact chambers, utility vaults,
<br />salt bins, etc.
<br />4. Disturb any suspected or confirmed asbestos containing materials including
<br />but not limited to thermal system insulation, vinyl floor tiles, flooring mastic,
<br />roofing, roofing felts, exterior shingle siding, acoustical ceiling tiles, fire
<br />proofing materials, solid wallboard (transite), cement water pipes, cement
<br />asbestos, sheetrock or fire doors. Typical work activities which would disturb
<br />suspected or conformed asbestos containing materials are normally part of
<br />renovation or demolition projects which require removal or destruction of
<br />existing materials, equipment or structures.
<br />5. Disturb any suspected or confirmed lead based paint by sanding, scraping,
<br />cutting, sawing, welding or power washing. Typical work activities which
<br />could disturb suspected or confirmed lead based paint are normally part of
<br />remodeling, renovation, repair, window case replacement,
<br />electrical/plumbing/carpentry work and preparing surfaces for painting.
<br />6. Perform or participate in sandblasting work.
<br />7. Operate heavy equipment or aerial man lifts of any kind. Some examples of
<br />prohibited equipment are: tractors, bull dozers, back hoes, cranes, grade alls,
<br />road construction equipment, fork lifts, boom trucks, etc. (However, inmates
<br />are allowed to perform maintenance and repair work on this type of
<br />equipment.)
<br />8.
<br />Perform any task that requires the use of a respirator due to exceeding the
<br />contaminant's permissible exposure limits.
<br />9.
<br />Work over or in water where a drowning hazard exists, without the
<br />appropriate protection, such as: standard railings, personal fall arrest systems,
<br />personal flotation devices, ring buoys and/or skiffs, as required by the OSHA
<br />standards.
<br />10.
<br />Work in trenches or excavations four feet deep or greater.
<br />11.
<br />Work on or adjacent to public roads and highways without the proper
<br />Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device (MUTCD) work zone safety set
<br />up utilizing the correct traffic control devices and high visibility vests,
<br />provided by Division of Prisons.
<br />12.
<br />Operate chain saws.
<br />13.
<br />Sit, stand or ride on any piece of equipment in a manner not consistent with
<br />the design of said vehicle or machinery while that equipment has its motor
<br />running or is moving. Examples of prohibited practices include, but are by no
<br />means limited to: standing on mower deck, riding in bucket of a loader, riding
<br />seated on a trailer hitch.
<br />This list of tasks is not exclusive of others that might be considered too hazardous
<br />for inmate labor contracts. Any tasks or duties similar to these or in question, in
<br />regards to personnel safety, should be addressed with the correctional facility's
<br />management before assigning the inmate to perform the proposed duties. Failure
<br />to follow these guidelines may result in suspension of this contract and the
<br />• removal of inmate labor.
<br />III. Supervision
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