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G0 3 <br />the county faces a difficult period supporting our operational responsibilities. Due to the <br />• Boards' desire to maintain the current tax rate and to not reduce headcount in FY 2010-11, the <br />County will not be able to fully fund the County's capital reserve per the County's financial <br />policies. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated he was holding funding levels for non-profit organizations the <br />same as last year. The Board discussed a first time request for funding of $40,000 from the <br />Boys & Girls Club and additional funding for Lee County Industries. The Board agreed they did <br />not wish to cut good programs currently in existence in order to fund another group. After <br />discussion, the County Manager was instructed to find options for reallocating funds in the <br />budget to fund the request from the Boys and Girls Club and increase funding for Lee County <br />Industries. Mr. Crumpton was also asked to discuss the matter with the City of Sanford and <br />see if they would be willing to participate in contributing to these organizations. <br />illl. <br />Discussion was held concerning the possible delll~of the next property tax re- <br />111, <br />evaluation to FY 2013. 1 <br />The Board also discussed the $15,000 marketing contribution to BRAC and whether to <br />withdraw from the organization and market Lee County on our own. <br />IIIL ,111 ' <br />With no further business to come before the 60d et work session, Chairman Hayes <br />adjourned the meeting. ill t h. <br />11111111 11) Hayes, Chairman <br />ATTEST: +~l Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />lilli~~lp~ ++Ut}IIl1F <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk,,IIIIIIHIlI,, llillh <br />• <br />2 <br />