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C U'% <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />• Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 153A-52.1, Chairman Hayes opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford <br />The Board heard a report from Tax Administrator Dwane Brinson on a recent survey completed <br />for a social media project to enhance communication with citizens and stakeholders. At the March 15, <br />2010 meeting, the Board of Commissioners saw a presentation on how social media might help Lee <br />County Government enhance communication with citizens. An online survey in reference to the project <br />was made available to the public and Mr. Brinson shared results from the survey with Board members. <br />After discussion, County Manager John Crumpton stated he would designate a couple of departments <br />(probably the Tax Office and Parks and Recreation) as "pilot" departments for the project. It was also <br />noted that a social media policy will need to be approved by the Board of Commissioners before <br />implementing said project. No action was taken, <br />The Board considered a request for Lee County to be c d in the Eastern Deer Season from <br />the North Carolina Wildlife Commission. Chairman Hayes at~t earlier in the year the City of <br />Sanford asked the County to join them in being assign to the (ern Deer Season which would <br />allow the Central Deer Season to start gun season a nth earlier. At the March 1, 2010 meeting, the <br />Board adopted a Resolution Requesting an Extens © o lhte Deer Hunting Season from the North <br />Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Copies the resolution were also forwarded to <br />Representative Jimmy Love and Senator B b Atwater. Representative Love asked that if the <br />Commissioners still wished to pursue the ma ritten request must be forwarded to the Wildlife <br />Commission for the subject to be placed on t it 9 a for a vote in July. Commissioner Reives <br />moved that the Chairman forward a le r to the orth Carolina Wildlife Commission asking that said <br />matter be placed on their agenda. Upen ote, th results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Ha Kel , Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman rule, Dincing n had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board discusseof the Lee County High School renovation project which had <br />been discussed earlier in the afternoon during a joint work session with the Lee County Board of <br />Education. County Manager John Crumpton stated that a public hearing was scheduled for 5 p.m., <br />Thursday, April 22, 2010, to discuss additional funding authorization to borrow from for the project. It is <br />anticipated that $1,224,000 will be received from the %-cent sales tax that will be effective July 1st and <br />applied to the school renovation project. Discussion followed but no action was taken. <br />Finance Director Lisa Minter provided the Monthly Financial Report for month ending March <br />2010. No action was taken. <br />Commissioner Kelly moved that Commissioners only hold one meeting a month during the <br />months of July, August and September 2010. Meetings will be held the third Monday of each month at <br />6 p.m., Monday, July 191h; 3 p.m., Monday, August 16"'; and 6 p.m., Monday, September 201h. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />• Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />2 <br />