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® BOOM 7 PAcF29 <br />Sheriff D. F. Holder, appeared before the Board and presented a written <br />report on the activities of his department. Sheriff Holder reported the recommended <br />repairs had been made to the jail. The Sheriff also reported on the new program of <br />Federal aid to local government's law enforcement programs. <br />The Board proceeded to examine bids received on sale of gas to the County. <br />The bids were as follows: <br />Supplier <br />High Test <br />Regular <br />Burns and Chappel Oil Co <br />Perry Oil Co. <br />Cooper Oil Company <br />Palmer-Reeves Oil Co. <br />Thomas Oil Co. <br />Gulf Oil Co. <br />2410 per gallon <br />.2283 <br />2260 <br />.2500 <br />.2730 <br />.2170 <br />.2110 per gallon <br />.2133 <br />.2090 <br />.2200 <br />.2380 <br />.1945 <br />The low bid of Gulf Oil Company to furnish regular gas at .1945 per gallon <br />and high test gas at .2170 per gallon was accepted upon motion of Commissioner White, <br />seconded by Commissioner Wicker, and duly adopted. <br />The Board next considdred a location for the gasoline storage tank and pump. <br />It was decided to install the tank on the Courthouse square just south of the access road <br />leading to the Courthouse door between Elm Street and the parking lot. <br />The written report of the Mental Health Department was presented to the <br />Board. <br />The written monthly report of the Electrical Inspector was presented to the <br />Board. <br />The written quarterly reqport of the Board of Veteran's Affairs was pre- <br />sented to the Board. <br />The monthly bills as listed by the County Accountant were approved for pay- <br />ment upon motion of Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Wicker, and <br />duly adopted. <br />Chairman Dotterer reported on the meeting of Good Neighbor Council. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Wicker, and duly <br />adopted, it was resolved to appoint the following persons to the Good Neighbor Council: <br />Mr. Sammy Lee Pearson, Reverend T. A. Guiton, Mr. John Allen Gladden, and Mr. <br />Will B. Gordon. <br />The Chairman reported a letter had been received from the Mental Health <br />Advisory Board requesting the Board to appoint their representative to the Mental Health <br />Administrative Board. Commissioner Wicker moved that the resolution creating the <br />Mental Health Administrative Board (which is recorded in Minute Book 7, at page 274), <br />be amended to delete subparagraph (b) of section (1) which reads as follows: "a <br />member of the Board of Commissioners of Lee County as selected by said Board. and <br />substitute in lieu thereof the following: "The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners <br />of Lee County", and as amended the resolution be readopted. Commissioner White <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr., Mack Conder, Chairman of the Planning Board, presented to the <br />Board, representatives of P. H. Brown and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, <br />of Raleigh, N. C. The engineers reviewed at length and in detail the preliminary <br />draft of their report. <br />Page five <br />