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0 BOOK 7 PACE288 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, October 7, 1968 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Lee <br />County, North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners` Room in the Lee County <br />Courthouse in Sanford, on Monday, October 7, 1968, at 10 o`clock a, m. Those <br />present when the meeting opened were: Chairman John E. Dotterer, Commissioners <br />Max McLeod, A. E. White, and Franklin D. Wicker. Commissioner Charles Robert <br />Yow was absent. <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />The meeting was opened by prayer given by the Reverend Jeff Davis. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on September 3, 1968, <br />were reviewed and corrected and, as corrected, were approved and ordered recorded. <br />A delegation of 14 persons from the Greenwood School Band Boosters <br />organization appeared before the Board. Mrs. Frances Roberts served as spokesman <br />and made a request for financial assistance in the band program. After consideration <br />and discussion, Commissioner McLeod moved that the sum of $1, 500.00 be appropriated <br />from the Emergency and Contingency Fund in the General Fund to the School Capital <br />Outlay Fund for the purpose of purchasing band uniforms for use at the Greenwood School. <br />Commissioner White seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Messrs. McLeod, White, Wicker, and Dotterer voted for the resolution and no one voted <br />against it. <br />Chairman Dotterer read a letter from the Sandhills Area Development <br />Association requesting funds. Upon motion of Commissioner White, seconded by <br />Commissioner Wicker, it was resolved to appropriate the sum of $100.00, from the <br />nontax revenue in the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund for the Sandhill Area <br />Development Association for advertising Lee County. <br />The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Frank Kivett, thanking the <br />Board for its cooperation while he was Director of the Sandhills Comimmity Action <br />Program. <br />The Clerk presented certificates from the judges of Election and the <br />Registrar showing the results of the School Bond election held on September 17, 1968. <br />The certificates were examined and found to be in order. Commissioner McLeod moved <br />that the results of the election be determined to be as follows: <br />Precinct <br />For <br />Against <br />West Sanford <br />979 <br />819 <br />396 <br />East Sanford <br />122 <br />479 <br />Jonesboro <br />286 <br />236 <br />Broadway <br />77 <br />100 <br />Greenwood No. 1 <br />70 <br />