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IRE <br />BOOK ! ux[209 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon Wicker, seconded by Commissioner <br />White, duly adopted by a unanimous vote, it was resolved to appoint the following <br />persons as the Lee County members of the Board of Directors of the Lee-Harnett <br />Mental Health Center for terms indicated: <br />Member <br />J. Shelton Wicker <br />Tommy C. Mann <br />Dr. John E. Dotterer <br />W. B. Pittman <br />T. C. Griffin <br />December, 1969 <br />December, 1970 <br />December, 1970 <br />December, 1971 <br />December, 1971 <br />Chairman Brock of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners announced <br />that the Harnett Board had selected its representatives on the Board of Directors <br />of the Lee-Harnett Mental Health Center as follows: <br />1 year term - Howard Hodges <br />2 year term - Leonard Jackson and Bruc, Blackman <br />3 year term - Alton Gray and M. H. Brock <br />Chairman Dotterer announced that Commissioner Frank Wicker was appointed <br />a member of the Personnel Committee which evaluates the County's classification and <br />pay plan and personnel resolution. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Frank Wicker, seconded by Commissioner <br />White, it was resolved by a unanimous vote to allow and authorize the removal of <br />the mirrors from the ball room in the Wilrik Building by Mrs. May Childs provided <br />that such removal be accomplished without expense or liability to the County and that <br />she repair at her expense any damage caused to said building. <br />sine die. <br />There being no further business to come before said session, it was adjourned <br />âś“hairman <br />J ~ <br />_4nneth Cler <br />Term Expires on First Monday In: <br />