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C <br />BOOK 7 PAGE 373 <br />Commissioner Gordon Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. Mr. Beckham explained that the 1956 <br />Chevrolet automobile used by the Civil Defense Department was worn out <br />and was no longer economical to operate. After discussion, it was RESOLVED <br />upon motion of Commissioner A. E. White, seconded by Commissioner Perry <br />White, to appropriate the sum of $150. 00 from the unappropriated surplus in <br />the General Fund to the Civil Defense Fund. A roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYE: A. E. White, Perry White, Gordon A. Wicker and <br />Franklin D. Wicker <br />NO: None <br />A delegation of people residing on U. S. No. 1, south of Sanford, <br />a ppeared before the Board, accompanied by Mr. E. C. Dobbs, complaining <br />about the Randy Turner propertyand the motor vehicles stored around it. The <br />matter of the possible polution of a well resulting from draining oil on the Turner <br />property was to be reported to the Health Department for investigation. <br />Ranger Fred Moehler, appeared before the Board and discussed <br />possible changes in the Forest Service budget resulting from changes in social <br />security figures. The matter was taken under advisement. <br />Robert McPhail, District Director of the Youth Councils of <br />North Carolina, Inc. , appeared before the Board and discussed the operations <br />of the Youth Councils, with the Board of Commissioners. No formal action <br />was taken at this time. <br />. Mr.. Charles S. Crenshaw, Executive Director of the Sandhills <br />Community Action Program, and Mr. C. T. Fulkerson, County Co-ordinator, <br />appeared before the Board and discussed the operation of the OEO Programs in <br />Lee County. <br />The monthly bills as tabulated by the County Accountant, were <br />presented to the Board and approved for payment upon motion of Commissioner <br />A. E. White, seconded by Commi s sioner Gordon Wicker, which resolution was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. E. M. Underwood, Jr., appeared before the Board, and <br />explained the death benefit now permissible under G. S. 128-27, to members of <br />the North Carolina Local Government Employee Retirement System.. After <br />discussion, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, moved that the County avail itself <br />of such provisionand that the appropriate officers of the Commission are <br />authorized and directed to enter into an agreement to extend such benefit to the <br />General Employees and the Police and Firemen. Commissioner A. E. White <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was duly adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner A. E. White, seconded by <br />Commissioner Perry White, and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED to <br />adopt the following order and to deliver the tax books to the Tax Collector in <br />accordance therewith: <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />LEE COUNTY <br />TO THE TAX COLLECTOR OF LEE COUNTY: <br />You are hereby authorized, empowered and <br />commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax <br />books, filed in the office of the Tax Supervisor and <br />in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the <br />amounts and from the taxpayers likewiise therein set <br />forth, and such taxes are hereby declared to be a <br />