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1969 - 08-22-69 Special Meeting
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1969 - 08-22-69 Special Meeting
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Last modified
7/9/2010 9:22:38 AM
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7/9/2010 9:21:58 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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606K 7 PAQ 346 <br />the Local Government Commission is hereby requested <br />to deliver said note through the State Treasurer in <br />exchange for said outstanding note upon payment of the <br />interest payable with respect to said outstanding note to <br />the holder of said outstanding note. <br />The motion having been duly seconded, and the <br />resolution having been considered, it was adopted. <br />Messrs. John E. Dotterer, A. E. White, Perry White, <br />Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker, voting for the <br />resolution and no one voting against it. <br />Miss Peggy Hussey, Social Work Supervisor-In Charge, <br />appeared before the Board and explained the day care program authorized and <br />directed to be carried on by the General Assembly, which action came after the <br />adoption of the County's budget for the coming fiscal year. Upon motion of Comm- <br />issioner Gordon W. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner A. E. White, it was <br />unanimously RESOLVED to authorize the Department of Social Services to pay <br />the County's charges for the day care program from the County's appropriation for <br />the foster home program. <br />The written recommendation of the County Board of Social <br />Services recommending the increase in the salary of Social Work Supervisor-In <br />Charge, from $8, 808 to $9, 216 yearly, or from $734 to $768 monthly, effective <br />July 18, 1969, was presented to the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker explained that this action <br />was taken when the director returned to college and that the Board of Social <br />Services had hired Mr. Harry Wicker as a consultant to assist the Supervisor- <br />In Charge at the rate of $50. 00 per month. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the action of <br />the Board of Social Services, in employing Mr. Harry Wicker as a consultant <br />at $50. 00 per month, be approved, and that the salary of the Social Work Supervisor- <br />In Charge, be raised from $8, 808. 00 to $9, 216. 00 yearly or from $734. 00 to $768. 00 <br />monthly, effective July 18, 1969, and that sufficient funds be transferred from the <br />Director's salary to the Supervisor's salary, all within the administrative budget <br />for the Department of Social Services. <br />Commissioner A. E. White seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote, Messrs. A. E. White, Perry White, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker <br />and Dr. John E. Dotterer, all voted for same. <br />Mr. Donald Buie appeared before the Board and discussed the <br />Recreation Program, which was administered in the county this summer. Mr. Buie <br />worked as a Supervisor in said program. The Board thanked him for his interest <br />and requested that he communicate his findings to the Chairman of the County Parks <br />and Recreation Commission. <br />There was a discussion about the appropriation for the operatio. <br />of the Health Department but no formal action was taken. <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer advised the Board that it now had <br />authority to recommend the appointment of an additional public spirited citizen to <br />serve on the District Health Board. <br />Upon motion of Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by Commissione; <br />Gordon A. Wicker, it was unanimously RESOLVED to raise Vinson Clark, an <br />employee in the County Maintenance Department one step in the same grade, such <br />promotion to be effective September 1, 1969. <br />There being n further business to come before said session, <br />it was adjourned sine die. - <br />Attest: Clerk / r. o otterer, <br />rman <br />
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