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BOOK 7 PAGE 413 <br />Commissioner Perry White seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, appeared before the <br />Board and gave a report on the collections of his office. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that notices had been received <br />from the State ABC Board that Temel Associates had applied for an ABC permit <br />and that Don Richard Kowell had applied for a license at 410 Carthage Street, <br />Sanford, N. C., and the Clerk was instructed to advise the Sheriff of receipt of <br />such notices. <br />The written report of the County Agricultural Extension Service <br />Chairman was read to the Board by-the Chairman. <br />The Chairman reminded the members of the Board that there was <br />to be a meeting about Solid Waste Management in Raleigh, North Carolina, on <br />March 11, 1970, and that it would be sponsored by the North Carolina Association <br />of County Commissioners. <br />The Board proceeded to open bids received for electrical wiring <br />of the fourth floor of the County Office Building. The 'bids received were as <br />follows: <br />Phillips Electric Company . . . . . $9, 050. 00 <br />Mace Electric Company . . . . . $9, 850.00 <br />Griffin Electric Company . . . . . $10,200.00 <br />Upon motion, made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED to accept the low bid of Phillips Electric Company, and to authorize <br />the County representatives to effect such savings as may be possible by the pur- <br />chasing and furnishing of equipment by the County. <br />Commissioner Gordon Wicker moved that the current bills as <br />tabulated by the County Account be paid. <br />Commissioner Perry White seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon Wicker moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: <br />WHEREAS, General Statute 105-294, requires <br />the Board of Commissioners to select and adopt some <br />uniform percentage of the amount at which property has <br />been appraised as the value to be used in taxing property, <br />which percentage is known as the assessment ratio-;, and <br />WHEREAS, the municipalities required to use the <br />assessments determined by the Board have been given an <br />opportunity to make recommendations; and <br />WHEREAS, the recommendations so made have been <br />given due consideration; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for <br />J Lee County: <br />~y <br />