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M <br />5om 7 en i 419 <br />E <br />King Roofing & Manufacturing Company . . . . . $ 1, 503.00 <br />Goggins Heating and Air-Conditioning, Inc.. . . $ 1, 520. 50 <br />Wicker Oil Company . . . . . $ 1, 400. 00 <br />To install 31- ton air-conditioning unit with electric furnace, the <br />bids were as follows: <br />King Roofing & Manufacturing Company . . . . . $ 1,740.00 <br />Goggins Heating and Air-Conditioning, Inc.. . . $ 1, 741. 90 <br />Wicker Oil Company . . . . . $ 1, 600.00 <br />The Board took the bids under advisement. <br />Mr. Bob Brickhouse appeared before the Board and gave a report <br />on the meeting of the State Zoological Commission. <br />. Dr. Ben Brooks appeared before the Board and reported on the <br />financial status of the Lee County Board of Education. <br />The Chairman reported a letter had been received from Mr. J. F. <br />Hockaday, requesting supplements to the salaries of the staff of Central Carolina <br />Technical Institute. <br />The Chairman reported that a letter had been received from the <br />City Manager, requesting more funds for the use of the City's trash dump by <br />County people. <br />The Board then considered the bids received and decided to accept <br />the low bid of King Roofing & Manufacturing Company to install a 55 KW electric <br />heater in the existing duct work, at the price of $640. 00, and the low bid of <br />Wicker Oil Company to install 5 heating and cooling units in the existing uncooled <br />area, at the price of $1, 400. 00. The motion to accept the low bids was made by <br />Commissioner Perry White and seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker. <br />Upon a roll call vote, the "ayes"and "nayes" were as follows: <br />Aye: White, F. Wicker and Dotterer <br />Nay: None <br />Abstain: G. Wicker <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker reported that he had been <br />instructed by the Law and Order Committee that future purchases of Police-type <br />vehicles could be made through them. <br />The Board RESOLVED to hold its meeting as a Board of Equalization <br />and Review on April 20, 1970, at 11:00 o'clock a. m. , and that it would conclude <br />its work on that date. <br />There being no further business to come before the Session, it <br />was adjourned sine die. <br />J <br />rer, Chairman <br />Kenneth R. Hoyle~lerk <br />