b00K 7 'AGE 421
<br />Upon motion made, seconded and duly adopted, it was
<br />RESOLVED that the licensed Vetinarian,n Dr. J. M. McKinnon, be appointed
<br />Rabies Inspector, to conduct a campaign of vaccination pursuant to Part 7,
<br />Article 34, Chapter 106 of the General Statutes, and the vaccination fee is
<br />hereby set at $2. 00 for each dog so vaccinated.
<br />Mr. Robert Harris, City Manager of the City of Sanford,
<br />appeared before the Board and requested the sum of $5, 000. 00, for use of the
<br />City Dump for the coming fiscal year, and the sum of $23, 130. 00, for partici-
<br />pation in the recreation program for the coining fiscal year.
<br />Mr. Carson Gregory, resident of Harnett County, and Candidate
<br />for the North Carolina General Assembly, appeared before the Board and assured
<br />them of his cooperation in matters of local interest in the event of his election.
<br />• Chairman Dotterer, acting upon the request of Mr. J. Chandler
<br />Eakes, Register of Deeds, designated Commissioner Perry White, and County
<br />Attorney, K. R. Hoyle, to serve as an advisory committee for the Register of
<br />Deeds office.
<br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker was designated as the Comm-
<br />issioner to be responsible for the welfare building.
<br />. Chairman Dotterer read to the Board, a letter received from the
<br />Department of Archives and History, stating that the Department would begin
<br />shortly to microfilm permanent records of Lee County, for preservation. Upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Perry White, the approval of the Board of Commissioners
<br />for the inventoring, repairing, and microfilming of Lee County records, by the
<br />Department of Archives and History, was given, and all County employeeswere
<br />directed to extend their cooperation with representatives of that department and
<br />the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds was directed to make available for
<br />their use, sufficient office space to accomplish said program. Commissioner
<br />Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously
<br />adopted.
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, reported on the Law and Order
<br />District, and advised that the Counties of Bladen and Sampson had been added to
<br />the Group and the area was now known asthe Cape Fear Criminal Justice Planning
<br />Region. Commissioner Wicker stated that a meeting would be held in Lee County
<br />on April 16th, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., in the District Courtroom at the Lee County
<br />Courthouse. I
<br />There was a discussion about public recreation in Lee County, and
<br />after deliberation, it was upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted,
<br />RESOLVED to offer to submit to a county wide vote, a proposition of whether or
<br />not there should be county supported recreation in Lee County, upon the assurance
<br />by the authorities of the City of Sanford that if said program were adopted and
<br />implemented, the City would phase out and terminate its recreation program,
<br />thereby avoiding double taxation to the citizens residing within the corporate
<br />limits of the City of Sanford. Upon a roll call vote, the "ayes" and "nayes" were
<br />as follows:
<br />Aye: White, F. Wicker, G. Wicker and Dotterer
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Clerk was instructed to prepare a letter containing the sense
<br />of said resolution for consideration by the Board at its next meeting.
<br />