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1970 - 06-01-70 Regular Meeting
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1970 - 06-01-70 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
7/9/2010 8:49:52 AM
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7/9/2010 8:48:49 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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Box 7 fwa 433 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />1 JUNE 1970 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County, <br />North Carolina, met in the Commissioners' Room of the County Office Building at the <br />corner of Steele and Wicker Streets in the City of Sanford, at 1.0:00 o'clock a.m. on <br />Monday, June 1, 1970, the same being the hour, date, and place duly established for <br />the holding of such meeting. The Chairman called the meeting to order and on roll call <br />the following answered present: Perry White, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker, <br />and John E. Dotterer. <br />The Chairman declared a quorum present and the meeting open for the <br />transaction of business. ' <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />The Commissioners, on motion made, duly seconded and adopted, <br />transferred the place of meeting to the District Courtroom, Lee County Courthouse <br />to accommodate the members of the School Boards and citizens interested in the budget <br />for school purposes. <br />The Commissioners held a general discussion about school matters <br />while waiting for the members of the School Boards to arrive. However, no formal <br />action was taken. <br />Chairman Dotterer read to the Board a letter received from Dr. O. <br />D. Garvin about the budget request for the Health Department. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board place the names <br />of the two Democratic nominees for the Board in a hat and conduct a drawing to determine <br />which one should be appointed to fill out the vacancy created by the death of Aubrey E. <br />White. Two slips of paper, one bearing the name of W. H. Cooper and one bearing the <br />name of Eugene Rogers, were placed in a hat and a spectator drew the name of W. H. <br />Cooper for election as a Commissioner for Lee County. Commissioner Perry White <br />moved that the nominations be closed and Mr. Cooper be elected by acclamation. The <br />nominations were closed by a unanimous vote and Mr. Cooper was elected by a unanimous <br />vote. Mr. Cooper then took the oath of office-from Clerk of Superior Court, Sion H. Kelly <br />and participated in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the heirs of Ella Coggins have offered to <br />pay $1760.00 and the sum of $89.00 in court costs for the release <br />of her one-fifth interest in the lands hereinafter described from a <br />welfare lien based upon a grant for Old Age Assistance; and <br />
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