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1970 - 11-02-70 Regular Meeting
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1970 - 11-02-70 Regular Meeting
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7/8/2010 4:22:35 PM
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7/8/2010 4:22:15 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK PACE 7 <br />The written report of the County Agricultural Extension Chairman <br />was presented to the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED <br />to designate the County Electrical Inspector as the person to make inspections <br />and reports required by N. C. G. S. 115-150.2, with respect to the inspection <br />of schools for fire hazards. Upon motion made, seconded and duly adopted, <br />it was RESOLVED TO designate and appoint Commissioner Willia m H. Cooper <br />and Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker as a committee to meet with the authorities <br />of the City of Sanford to see if arrangements can be worked out for combined <br />City and County electrical inspection. <br />Mr. E. M. Underwood, Auditor, appeared before the Board and asked <br />for instructions as to how to divide the appropriation for recreation programs <br />and upon motion made, seconded and duly adopted, it was RESOLVED to allocate <br />$7, 000. 00, for county participation in the recreation programs sponsored by the <br />City of Sanford and to allocate $6, 500. 00 to the County Recreation Department. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED to authorize the Social Security Office to maintain the local phone <br />as an unlisted number and in lieu of the number of the local office to insert-in <br />the local telephone directory the number of the social security office in Durham <br />which could be called toll free by residents of Lee County. <br />The inquiry of Mr. Harry Gaw about renting office space in the County <br />office building was referred to the County Accountant with instructions that space <br />was available on the fourth floor at the rate of $50. 00 per room. <br />The Chairman reported that an inquiry had been received from the <br />Sanford Jaycees that those Commissioners desiring to ride in the Christmas <br />Parade should notify the County Accountant at their earliest opportunity. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker reported on the expenditures for <br />medicaide and the possibility that additional funds would be necessary to continue <br />this program for the entire fiscal year. <br />Mr. Robert W. Upchurch, Community Planner of the Department of <br />Local Affairs, appeared before the Board with Mr. Y. Mack Conder, Chairman <br />of the County Planning Board, and discussed the projects to be accomplished <br />during the remainder of the contract with the Department of Local Affairs for <br />planning assistance. It was decided to schedule a series of joint meetings before <br />the Commissioners and Planning Board to discuss countywide zoning; <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED to re-appoint Julian Causey and Douglas Johnson to the County <br />Youth Development Commission, for a two year term. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting to reconvene on Monday, November 16, <br />1970, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Commissioner's Room in the Lee County <br />Office building. The meeting adjourned in accordance with the resolution. <br />John E. Dotterer, Chairman <br />Kenneth R. Hoyle, <br />
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