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03 <br />The next step was to take this preliminary ranking to the Joint Planning Commission. <br />The JPC met on the evening of April 28t' and had vigorous discussion about the rankings. <br />As a reminder, the JPC includes two elected officials and the planning board chair from <br />each of the three jurisdictions for a total of nine (9) voting members. Lee County is <br />represented by Chair Dalrymple, Commissioner Tim Sloan and Planning Board Chair <br />Kathy Woodell. The biggest issue discussed was whether or not to include the Kelly <br />Drive (CCCC) project and where to rank it. The preliminary listing as created by the ad- <br />hoc transportation committee had the project as #1 even though it did not score well as <br />compared to other projects. The thinking was that the project is of such importance that <br />we should rank it very high despite the low score. However, when discussed by the JPC, <br />the group discussed that the cost of the project was relatively low and likely could be <br />accomplished through local funding. As such, the Kelly Drive project was removed from <br />the list completely and all other projects simply moved up one spot as based on the <br />preliminary ranking by the ad-hoc transportation committee. The JPC approved this <br />revised list and has been forwarded to TARPO for consideration. (Please note that in <br />order to meet NCDOT's timetable for input, local action/input requires a very quick <br />turnaround as TARPO is set to meet on May 17`h (tomorrow) to discuss the collective <br />lists.) <br />Attached you should find (1) the original listing and scoring of Lee County projects by <br />NCDOT and (2) the recommended ranking of local transportation projects by the Joint <br />Planning Commission to be submitted to TARPO and NCDOT for possible funding <br />through their Strategic Transportation Investment (STI) process. <br />