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BK: 00028 PG -.0193 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />tr _ <br />IM <br />Committed <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT MEETING OF THE <br />INTERLOCAL SUB -COMMITTEE <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, CITY OF SANFORD <br />AND <br />TOWN OF BROADWAY <br />APRIL 11, 2016 <br />The Joint Interlocal Sub -Committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other items of <br />interest between the County of Lee, City of Sanford, and Town of Broadway, met at 11:30 a.m. in the <br />First Floor Conference Room, Buggy Factory, 115 Chatham Street, Sanford, North Carolina, on said <br />date. Commissioner appointed members present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Dr. Ricky D. Frazier, and <br />Timothy S. Sloan. County staff in attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Clerk to the <br />Board Gaynell Lee, and Deputy Clerk Danielle Mahoney. <br />Commissioner Chair Amy Dalrymple called the Joint Sub -Committee meeting to order and the <br />following items were discussed: <br />Status Update of Colon Road Water Project — Water testing has been completed and in the process of <br />transferring money donated to Environmental LEE (non-profit organization) to purchase water filters. At <br />this time, one filter has been installed and waiting to install a second one. Will have to wait and see if <br />filters work before installing additional ones. The issue will be revisited when coal ash comes to the <br />County. Private roads in the area are an issue with running city water to residents. The City will extend <br />water lines into unincorporated areas of the county using the same policy as used within Sanford <br />corporate limits. Total cost of a system expansion is shared by all properties that will benefit from the <br />services. <br />Central Carolina Enterprise Park Infrastructure — Continue to meet with private groups involved in the <br />Central Carolina Enterprise Park and all owners. Want a first class industrial park. City legal <br />department is working on developer agreements. Working on sidewalks, sewer, broadband and other <br />needed issues. Need public ownership to help speed the project up. Zoning for both sites (west side <br />which belongs to Kirk Bradley) and Mr. Stroud's section will consist of different zoning which the <br />Planning Department is working on. Discussed upcoming broadband installation that will be discussed <br />and approved at the Commissioner's April 18th meeting. <br />Bob Hales Center Update — Project went over budget approximately $61,000 and has therefore been <br />delayed for the time being. Due to the fire at San Lee Park there was a delay in bidding and during that <br />time construction costs jumped 30%. City Council wants it to be a County project and don't feel they <br />should have to participate in funding. It was agreed it was a good project and would be revisited at a <br />later time. Will be discussed during the County's upcoming budget work sessions when the Board of <br />Commissioners can talk with Parks & Recreation staff to get a feel for what projects they have had to <br />delay. <br />