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• Section 160A-20(g) of the General Statutes of North Carolina requires that the County <br />hold a public hearing prior to entering into the Agreement. Section 153A-158.1 of the General <br />Statutes of North Carolina requires that the County hold a public hearing on the proposed <br />acquisition of the site of the Project by the County to be used for school purposes. <br />The Chairman acknowledged that a public hearing was held by the Board of <br />Commissioners on April 5, 2010 in connection with the proposed Agreement and the proposed <br />acquisition of the site of the Project by the County. Since such date, the Board of <br />Commissioners has determined that the cost of the Project will exceed the cost originally <br />estimated and the Board has determined that that it is necessary to increase the authorized <br />aggregate principal amount of the Agreement from not to exceed $20,000,000 to not to exceed <br />$23,000,000. <br />• The Chairman acknowledged due publication of the notice of public hearing in a <br />newspaper with a general circulation in said County and directed the Clerk to the Board of <br />Commissioners to attach the affidavit showing publication in said newspaper on a date at least <br />ten (10) days prior to the date hereof as Exhibit A. <br />The Chairman then announced that the Board of Commissioners would immediately hear <br />anyone who might wish to be heard on the proposed Agreement or the proposed acquisition of <br />the site of the Project by the County as described above. <br />A list of all persons making comments and a summary of such comments are attached as <br />Exhibit B. <br />The public heari ng was closed. <br />All statements and comments by participants of the public hearing were duly considered <br />• by the Board of Commissioners. <br />2 <br />