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BK: 00028 PG -0177 <br />Section 8 — Terms: <br />Due to the nature of this program, flexible loan terms are permitted to the degree needed by the <br />project. Quarterly or monthly payments of principal and interest on the unpaid balance shall be <br />considered the norm. Any deviation from the norm shall be justified by the applicant through the <br />project pro -forma and other supporting documentation. <br />In order to have an adequate turn around on loan funds, the following minimum criteria shall be <br />followed: <br />A. Principal or interest payments shall not be deferred for a period greater than two (2) years; <br />B. The maximum term for RLF loans shall be seven years. Amortization schedules with <br />longer terms and balloon payments can be crafted to suit the project, however, loans must <br />be repaid within the seven year period; and <br />C. The RLF program also offers a mezzanine loan product that is not readily available in Lee <br />County. Each mezzanine loan is intended to be subordinate to the primary loan on a <br />project, so for each project the interest rate shall be higher than the primary loan, which <br />will typically be a conventional commercial bank loan. Mezzanine loan interest rates are <br />typically at least five (5) points higher than the rates offered for conventional bank loans, <br />with even higher rates required as the loan takes on more flexible, equity -like <br />characteristics, such as deferred payments or longer amortization periods. <br />Section 9 — Loan Annlication Processing: <br />Loan applications will be accepted at any time during normal County business hours. All loan <br />applications are to be delivered to the Office of the County Manager, 408 Summit Drive, Sanford, <br />North Carolina 27330. The loan committee will meet and evaluate the application(s) not later than <br />15 days after submission of the completed application and make its recommendations to the Board <br />of Commissioners within 45 days after submission by the applicant. A quorum of the loan <br />committee (3 members) is required for a loan application to be considered. The Board of <br />Commissioners will consider the RLF Loan Committee's recommendation and decide whether or <br />not to hold a public hearing on the application. No loan can be approved without a public hearing. <br />A loan application package shall consist of a completed loan application, supporting <br />documentation, and any other information the RLF Loan Committee may determine to be necessary <br />to satisfy the requirements and objectives of the program. <br />The County Attorney shall coordinate the closing of each loan. The County Attorney shall review <br />and/or prepare all loan documents prior to closing. The applicant will be responsible for all <br />legal/closing fees related to the loan. The Loan Committee may permit this amount to be included <br />in the amount financed, if requested by the applicant. <br />on <br />