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BK -00028 PG: 0174 <br />C. Interest earned on unspent RLF money. No loan may be made without sufficient RLF <br />funds existing in the RLF account. <br />D. Other funds so designated by the Board of Commissioners. <br />Section 3 — Review of Loan Application <br />All loans are subject to review and an affirmative recommendation of the Loan Committee and <br />review and approval by the Board of Commissioners. The minimum standards of eligibility are <br />listed in Section 4 below. The meeting of these standards will enable the business to apply, but in <br />no way does this guarantee a loan from the program. The Loan Committee and the Board of <br />Commissioners reserve the right to reject any loan for any reason, regardless of meeting any or all <br />criteria listed herein. Applicants may withdraw or suspend their loan application at any time prior <br />to approval. <br />Section 4 — Elizibility Requirements <br />The minimum requirements to be an eligible applicant are as follows: <br />A. The project must be located within the boundaries of Lee County and adds to the tax base. <br />B. The project must be a private development project creating permanent full time jobs. <br />Temporary jobs (e.g. construction) or seasonal jobs will not be considered. <br />C. Jobs retention projects will only be considered if the applicant clearly demonstrates that <br />jobs will be lost without participation in the RLF Program, and the applicant has <br />determined a set schedule for layoffs. Loans for job retention must include a statement of <br />the business development strategy and detailed discussion of the opportunities identified <br />for stimulating additional business investment and productivity. <br />D. Applicant must demonstrate that the project would not go forward in Lee County without <br />RLF financing. (i.e., "but for" participation by the RLF program, this project cannot take <br />place in the RLF area.) Demonstration of need may include: <br />(1) A business plan or pro forma showing debt service ratios, debt to equity ratios, and/or <br />cash flow projections which demonstrates the need for RLF funding. <br />(2) A letter of credit or private lender certification which demonstrates the need for the <br />RFL funding. <br />(3) For job retention loans, the borrower must provide documentation that the employees <br />will be permanently laid off or the business will close or relocate out of state if RLF <br />monies are not available. <br />E. Loans for more than 50% of total project costs are not eligible for funding. <br />F. The project must conform with local, state and federal laws. The applicant must <br />demonstrate that all required permits can be received (e.g. compliance with zoning <br />ordinance and building codes). <br />