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Agenda - 4-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda - 4-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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�.l <br />lease. The grant from Golden Leaf requires the proceeds from the lease of the pallets be used for <br />future economic development activities. Commissioners have previously discussed establishing a <br />revolving loan fund with the proceeds. To further that goal, a revolving loan fund program policy and <br />procedures has been drafted for consideration. Currently the fund has $732,170.09 on hand in cash. At <br />the Board's Retreat in January 2016, the Board reviewed a draft policy and heard comments from <br />SAGA Economic Development Director Bob Joyce regarding the policy. The Board asked the policy <br />also be reviewed with staff at Central Carolina Community College (CCCC). No recommendations for <br />changes have been received from CCCC at this time. After discussion, Commissionet`eives moved to <br />approve the Revolving Loan Fund Program Policy and Procedures and include sgoneorie from a small <br />business and agribusiness to the board in addition to the ones stated in the 'eement. A copy of <br />Agreement is attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part.hteret 4'. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith y <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board received a request from the Sanford Area GtgWth Alliance (SAGA). Joy Thrash, <br />CEO of the Growth Alliance discussed with the Board for Commissqaners a request for help to fund a <br />Visitor Services Program that will be a partnership between the City'a#.:nford, Lee County and the <br />Sanford Area Growth Alliance. SAGA is asking for a 2 -year commitment from the County of $25,000 <br />per year to support the visitor services effort :which will be led by the Growth Alliance. Ms. Thrash <br />stated for several years Sanford and Lee Cou*-Attacked a tourism focus. This has hampered the <br />opportunity for Sanford and Lee County to comate, e d grow economically in tourism across <br />the State and throughout the Country. A numberf opportunt s have recently been missed due to not <br />having a visitor center. Ms. Thrash stated pen'4g legislation is in place to provide for a more <br />permanent funding stream through an increase in the local room occupancy tax. Without a clear <br />timeline as to when this revenue could be realized, ah6likely being many months away, SAGA's goal is <br />to have necessary infrastru fol-8nd resources in pbce prior to the advent of the tax which will put the <br />program in a position to.;>ke advantage of 3 to 5 percent growth in visitor revenue forecast for the <br />upcoming year. Corn ._,,er Oldham moved to approve the request and for staff to implement an <br />Interlocal Agreement with #arr-#tiling: Commissioner Sloan also stated he was in favor of a <br />Visitor Services Program as presented. Commissioner Frazier state he felt the Board should wait on <br />funding the request and maybe`:. AGA could fund until legislation is passed. Commissioner Reives <br />stated he prefs d to consider t1*'request in the upcoming budget instead of immediate funding. <br />Commisster `'' ple stated she was in favor of the request. After further discussion, the Board <br />voted ph' Commis ' r Oldham's motion to approve the request and enter into an Interlocal <br />Ag r nt for funding stated previously. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Palrymple, Oldham, Sloan, and Smith <br />" ay: .; 'Frazier, Knecht and Reives <br />The Chafr ruled the motion had been adopted by a 4 to 3 vote. <br />The Board considered acceptance of additional funding for the FY 2015/16 Home and <br />Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults. Senior Services Director Debbie Davidson stated Lee <br />County has been given an additional $6,426 from the Home and Community Care Block Grant through <br />Triangle J Area Agency on Aging. Total allocation is now $361,355 with a required local match of <br />$40,152. The additional local match is available in the current budget and will require no additional <br />funds. If approved, funds will be used in the Senior Center Operations service. After discussion, <br />5 <br />
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