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Attorney Jimmy Love, Sr., representing the Lee County Board of Education stated he had filed a <br />Motion to not hold the public hearing at this time due to the Lee County Board of Education not being <br />notified of the hearing, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by reference made a part <br />hereof. He further asked the Board of Commissioners to table the hearing until further notice. <br />The following spoke in favor of the rezoning petition: <br />- Alex Zendah, PO Box 24308, Winston Salem, NC <br />The following spoke in opposition to the rezoning petition: <br />- Lanelia Pettus, 1706 Fire Tower Road, Sanford <br />- Carol Poindexter (no address given) <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to conduct a second, public hearing on the above referenced <br />rezoning petition at the April 18th Commissioners meeting. Upi .yotei the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives,✓Sban, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />David Montgomery, Senior Planner asked the Bird to consider a text amendment to the UDO, <br />Article 11 Sign Regulations, Section 11.6 Prohibited Signs to''allow Sandwich Board Signs as noted, <br />and to Section 11.7 Signs That Do Not Require`a Permit by adding a new Subsection 11.7.19 <br />Sandwich Board signs with conditions as set forth in the section. He also asked the Board to consider <br />multiple text amendments to the. UDO to allow for Breweries. <br />Chair Dalrymple pjened / public hearing to hear comments on the Sandwich Board text <br />amendments as adverti�r thi$:-bate and time. <br />No one present spoke`fprpr against the amendments. <br />Chair D>ymple closed thisportion of the public hearing and opened the public hearing for the <br />text amep0meri Terence to Bteweries. <br />.o one present oke for or against the amendments presented. <br />C*"Dalrymple"closed the public hearing. <br />At this lies members of the Lee County Planning Board retired to the Gordon Wicker <br />Conference Room to continue their meeting. Action on these public hearing matters will be considered <br />at the April 18th Commissioners meeting. <br />The Board considered a Revolving Loan Fund Program Policy and Procedures. Finance <br />Director Lisa Minter presented the proposed Policy and stated the County received a $1,000,000 grant <br />from the Golden Leaf Foundation in 2011 to purchase 8,565 plastic pallets to be leased to Frontier <br />Spinning Mills, Inc. The County and Frontier Spinning entered into a five-year equipment lease <br />agreement beginning April 21, 2011. Frontier Spinning pays the County $13,290.69 per month for the <br />4 <br />