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qtr UUUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />EM A13STRACT ITEM NO. 11. D. <br />Meeting Date: April 4, 2016 <br />Information <br />Action Item <br />XX Consent Agenda <br />SUW—EC Acceptance of Additional State Revenue for STD Prevention in the <br />Communicable Disease Program <br />DE_ _ t SEC, N Lee County Health Department <br />MITACT PERSt1N: William Cain / Carol Thompson <br />t�EESAcceptance of $49.00 in additional funding awarded by the state for <br />the Communicable Disease Program for STD Prevention <br />SUMMARY, This Agreement Addendum Revision #2 provides STD prevention <br />funds. Receipt of these funds is the primary mechanism recognized <br />by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)'s Office of <br />Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) as the basis for eligibility to be a covered <br />entity for the STD 340b program. A paragraph is added to the STD <br />Prevention Agreement Addendum stating we need to provide <br />documentation the health department is an eligible organization <br />through the federal 340b Program. <br />The Board of Health approved acceptance of additional funding at <br />their March 16TM' meeting. <br />Increase to the Communicable Disease Budget by $49.00 <br />DPH Agreement Addendum FY 15-16 for STD Prevention Rev#2 <br />No <br />N/A <br />Approve acceptance of $49.00 in additional funding for the <br />Communicable Disease Program for STD Prevention as presented <br />