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Agenda - 4-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda - 4-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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in some newspaper having general circulation in the county, the first publication to be at least 10 <br />days prior to the first meeting. The notice shall also state the dates and hours on which the board <br />will meet following its first meeting and the date on which it expects to adjourn; it shall also carry <br />a statement that in the event of earlier or later adjournment, notice to that effect will be published <br />in the same newspaper. Should a notice be required on account of earlier adjournment, it shall be <br />published at least once in the newspaper in which the first notice was published, such publication <br />to be at least five days prior to the date fixed for adjournment. Should a notice be required on <br />account of later adjournment, it shall be published at least once in the newspaper in which the first <br />notice was published, such publication to be prior to the date first announced for adjournment. <br />(g) Powers and Duties. - The board of equalization and review has the following powers <br />and duties: <br />(1) Duty to Review Tax Lists. - The board shall examine and review the tax lists <br />of the county for the current year to the end that all taxable property shall be <br />listed on the abstracts and tax records of the county and appraised according to <br />the standard required by G.S. 105-283, and the board shall correct the abstracts <br />and tax records to conform to the provisions of this Subchapter. In carrying out <br />its responsibilities under this subdivision (g)(1), the board, on its own motion <br />or on sufficient cause shown by any person, shall: <br />a. List, appraise, and assess any taxable real or personal property that has <br />been omitted from the tax lists. <br />b. Correct all errors in the names of persons and in the description of <br />properties subject to taxation. <br />C. Increase or reduce the appraised value of any property that, in the board's <br />opinion, has been listed and appraised at a figure that is below or above <br />the appraisal required by G.S. 105-283; however, the board shall not <br />change the appraised value of any real property from that at which it <br />was appraised for the preceding year except in accordance with the <br />terms of G.S. 105-286 and 105-287. <br />d. Cause to be done whatever else is necessary to make the lists and tax <br />records comply with the provisions of this Subchapter. <br />e. Embody actions taken under the provisions of subdivisions (g)(1)a <br />through (g)(1)d, above, in appropriate orders and have the orders <br />entered in the minutes of the board. <br />f. Give written notice to the taxpayer at the taxpayer's last known address <br />in the event the board, by appropriate order, increases the appraisal of <br />any property or lists for taxation any property omitted from the tax lists <br />under the provisions of this subdivision (g)(1). <br />(2) Duty to Hear Taxpayer Appeals. - On request, the board of equalization and <br />review shall hear any taxpayer who owns or controls property taxable in the <br />county with respect to the listing or appraisal of the taxpayer's property or the <br />property of others. <br />a. A request for a hearing under this subdivision (g)(2) shall be made in <br />writing to or by personal appearance before the board prior to its <br />adjournment. However, if the taxpayer requests review of a decision <br />made by the board under the provisions of subdivision (g)(1), above, <br />notice of which was mailed fewer than 15 days prior to the board's <br />
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