to bid for a new vendor. Staff is pleased with Systel, the machines provided, service levels, and overall
<br />performance of the contract. The renewal offer quoted is a reduction of little over $111,000 over the
<br />next five years compared to the original lowest bid award in 2011. In addition to these savings, without
<br />additional cost the County can replace any machine in the fleet that is deemed to need replacement
<br />due to age, usage amount, or repeated repair issues and the licensing for the enterprise accounting
<br />software is also renewed for us for an additional five years. Current machines are tightly integrated with
<br />all the County's software systems and replacing all of the machines with a new vendor is a large task
<br />that occupies the IT department for many months until the project is complete. T,*, offer presented
<br />above is 25% lower than the lowest offer received from the last bid for new equipmAt. i approved, this
<br />agreement will save money, maintain a partnership that has been built with a "ed vendor over the
<br />last five years, allow the County to keep machines that still have significant life them, and replace
<br />machines that need replacement at our discretion and timeline, all whe kee staff with the
<br />equipment needed and not interrupting work for replacement of equipment. discussion,
<br />Commissioner Smith moved to approve a Renewal Five -Year Contract with Systel Offic14'.`, ns as
<br />presented. Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />F:<
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reaves, Sloan., and Smith
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />The Board considered a Resolution exchanging ownership of ildings with Central Carolina
<br />Community College (CCCC). County Manar,,,John Crumpton stated Dr. Howard and Dr. James
<br />conveyed by gift to the County the Steele Street dperty with the provision it would benefit CCCC. At
<br />the same time, the County purchased the Sumrr t Builol g frorrr Drs. Howard and James. On October
<br />15, 2012, the Board of Commissioners and the CCCC Board of Trustees entered into an Interlocal
<br />Agreement concerning transactions and future dealings with the Summit Building and Steele Street
<br />property. The Interlocal Agreement provides that the County takes possession of the Summit Building
<br />and collects rent from the Steele Street property to` 'Offset the debt on the Summit Building. Upon the
<br />payment of the debt, title to emit Building and Steele Street property will transfer to CCCC. Mr.
<br />Crumpton further stated ie Couy and CCCC have determined that an exchange of buildings will
<br />benefit the two entities the cozens of Lee County. This exchange includes the County retaining
<br />title to the Summit Buildingd,t(e ` property after the debt is paid. The County will have the
<br />right to sell the Steele Streef`perty if it so chooses and retain all sale proceeds. In exchange, the
<br />County will transfer title to the Rion Center, located at the Lee County Industrial Park, to CCCC.
<br />Drs. Howard ames are in agrment with this exchange. After discussion, Commissioner Oldham
<br />moved toy sprt esolution Exchanging Ownership Between Central Carolina Community College
<br />and thtounty of or the Summit Building, Steele Street Property, and Innovation Center, a copy
<br />of is attached these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the
<br />results as followsr
<br />.dye Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith
<br />None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />At this time Chair Dalrymple read and presented Resolutions of Appreciation to County Attorney
<br />Kerry Self and Assistant to the County Manager Terrell Jones. Ms. Self will be leaving her position on
<br />April 1St to relocate out-of-state and Mr. Jones is retiring effective April 11t. Commissioner Frazier
<br />moved to approve the above referenced Resolutions of Appreciation, copies of which are attached to
<br />these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />7
<br />