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BK:00028 PG -0140 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Legal Description <br />BEGINNING at the southwest corner of Block No. 2151/2 as shown on map of South Sanford, N.C., <br />prepared by Ira Mullis, C.E. in 1907, said point being where the eastern line of Courtland Drive intersects <br />with the northern line of Elm Street and running thence as the eastern line of Courtland Drive, North 34 <br />deg. 15 mins. East 150 feet to a stake, corner of lot sold to J.C. Pittman, et al; thence as the line of the lot <br />sold to Pittman, et al, South 55 Begs. 45 mins. East 160 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Courtland <br />Drive, South 34 degs. 15 mins. West 150 feet to the east line of Elm Street; thence as the east line of Elm <br />Street, North 55 degs. 45 mins. West 160 feet to the point of BEGINNING. <br />