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BK -00028 PG:0076 <br />Mr. Cain stated that 9 of the 15 private well samples conveyed elevated levels of Hexavalent <br />Chromium, 15 of the 15 private well samples conveyed elevated levels of Vanadium, and 7 of the 15 <br />private well samples conveyed elevated levels of Sodium. <br />Dr. Randall Williams, NC State Health Director was on hand and provided information on the <br />Department of Health and Human Services' position regarding elevated chemical levels. Mr. Williams <br />stated the federal government controls city water and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) <br />controls groundwater. The State tests new wells but not old wells – up to the individual to have those <br />tested. His office issued the Health Risk Evaluation advising residents not to drink or cook with the <br />water until more testing could be completed. It is anticipated that DEQ will have completed all water <br />testing within the next 3 weeks, at which time his office will re-evaluate their recommendation. Until <br />then, he advised people with known elevated levels in their water not to drink or cook with it. <br />A question – answer time was allowed for board members and citizens to ask questions and <br />make comments. <br />A second joint meeting is scheduled for 6 – 8 p.m., Thursday, March 3, 2016, with location to be <br />determined. <br />—,;Die work session adjourned at 8 p.m. <br />Ap <br />t, h Amy MLee Co. Dalrymple, C air <br />unty Board of Commissioners <br />M. Lee, Clerk to t1* Board <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE "O�►i <br />Presented for registration on this l Aay <br />of X201 LU -2t L :s*AM <br />recorded in Book .,$._Page.._ <br />Pamela G. Bre, Register of Deeds <br />