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Boo(, 23 im-1383 <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LOCAL WORKFORCE <br />DEVELOPMENT BOARD/CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LOCAL <br />WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD/CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL (this "First <br />Amendment") is made and entered into effective as of the day of April, 2010 (the "Effective <br />Date"), by and between the Triangle South Local Workforce Development Board (hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Board") and the Triangle South Local Investment Area (hereinafter referred to <br />as the "Local Area"). <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, County of Chatham, County of Lee, County of Harnett and County of <br />Sampson (the "Member Units of the Consortium") agreed to establish a consortium to act jointly <br />as a Local Workforce Investment Area under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 P.L. 105- <br />220, the Welfare-to-Work Grant provided for in Title IV, Part A of the Social Security Act P.L. <br />74-271, as amended, and the North Carolina Employment and Training Grant, pursuant to that <br />Consortium Agreement dated as of January 13, 2003; <br />WHEREAS, the Local Workforce Investment Area organized by the Member Units of <br />the Consortium was known as the Mid-Carolina Local Workforce Investment Area; <br />WHEREAS, the Mid-Carolina Local Workforce Investment Area and the Mid-Carolina <br />Workforce Development Board entered into an agreement entitled Agreement Between the Mid- <br />Carolina Workforce Development Board/Chief Elected Official dated as of January 13, 2003 in <br />order to define the scope of their partnership in the administration of the Workforce Investment <br />Act programs, the Welfare-to-Work program, and the North Carolina Employment and Training <br />Grant; <br />WHEREAS, the Chief Elected Official is the authorized representative of the units of <br />local government within the Local Workforce Investment Area organized by the Member Units <br />of the Consortium; <br />WHEREAS, by agreement dated February 11, 2009, by and between the Board of <br />Commissioners of the Member Units of the Consortium, Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman of the <br />Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett, was designated as the Chief Elected Official <br />for the Local Workforce Investment Area; <br />WHEREAS, the name of the Local Workforce Investment Area has been changed from <br />Mid-Carolina Workforce Investment Area to Triangle South Workforce Investment Area, and <br />the name of the Local Workforce Development Board has been changed from Mid-Carolina <br />Workforce Development Board to Triangle South Workforce Development Board by resolution <br />of the Board of Commissioners for each the Member Units of the Consortium; <br />WHEREAS, the Board has authorized its Chairman to execute this First Amendment; <br />