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010 <br />Central Carolina Enterprise Park — Information was provided regarding the proposed fiber <br />infrastructure for Central Carolina Enterprise Park which included proposed fiber locations, Park utility <br />exhibit, and sign monumentation exhibit plan. GIS Director Don Kovasckitz and IT Director Kyle <br />Edwards was present and answered questions in reference to the fiber infrastructure matter. It was <br />noted that members of the Central Carolina Enterprise Park wish to raise money for new signage at the <br />entrance to the Park off Colon Road. <br />Lee County Capital Funding Analysis — Presentation highlighted the County's existing tax <br />supported debt profile, and analyzed the impact of the 2014 General Obligation Bound Referendum as <br />well as future capital projects. Updates on the CCCC and Lee County School projects were also <br />discussed. Mr. Crumpton stated with the CCCC and Board of Education school projects coming up no <br />additional projects could be funded for 6-8 years. <br />Commissioner Sloan joined the meeting during the above discussion at 1:10 p.m. <br />Discussion on Partnerships — Commissioner Oldham discussed a Visitor Service Program that <br />would promote arts, outdoor activities, and a visitor center among other things going on in the City - <br />County. The Program would be funded from an additional hotel occupancy tax. He feels that Sanford - <br />Lee County is missing out on not having a visitor center. SAGA recently discussed this and noted <br />$60,000 in seed money would be needed to get the Program off the ground. An annual contribution of <br />$25,000 from the City and County would also be needed. It was noted the additional occupancy tax will <br />be considered in the upcoming legislation. <br />It was noted of all the time and work the Lee County Board of Adjustment is putting in on the <br />Little River Quarry hearings. Pay for volunteer boards was discussed. Mr. Crumpton was asked to <br />check with other counties and see what, if anything they pay volunteer boards. <br />The new Director of Triangle J, Lee Worsley, would like to come and meet the Board possibly at <br />an upcoming budget work session. <br />Chair Dalrymple updated the Board on a recent meeting she and the County Manager had with <br />Tom Reeder from DEQ and Senator Ron Rabin. She is trying to schedule another meeting with the <br />above plus someone from DHHS to talk about the Colon Road water issue. <br />Chair Dalrymple asked Board members to attend ribbon cutting events if possible when she <br />cannot attend. She stressed the importance of someone from the County being at these events. <br />With no business to come before the Board, the Retreat adjourned at 2:25 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk to the Board <br />Amy M. Dalrymple, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />