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1-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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1-4-16 Reg. Meeting
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BK -00028 PG -0014 <br />Attachment B <br />For the period 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2016 <br />Statement of Work <br />Grantee: The Enrichment Center <br />This statement should be a short summary describing what the Grantee does and how the Grantee will use these funds. <br />The terms of the contract between the SHIIP office and the agencies require local programs meet these goals for <br />SFY2016. The uses of these funds are not limited to but MUST include the following activities: <br />1) Expand Low Income Subsidy (LIS) outreach and enrollment in the county by conducting a minimum of two <br />enrollment clinics during the period 10/1/2015 through 9/30/2016; clinics are to be held in non-traditional <br />locations, i.e., library, church, senior housing complex, etc.; <br />2) Submit Client Counseling Contact and Public & Media Outreach (NPR) forms in a timely manner to the SHIIP office <br />in Raleigh or through the SHIPTalk website ; <br />3) Work with Area Agency on Aging to conduct outreach events in the county. <br />SCOPE OF WORK: <br />(Maximum 2 pages) <br />I plan to contact the local grocery stores (Piggly Wiggly and Food Lion) who offer advertising on the back of their <br />grocery receipts. I would like to use the grant funds to purchase this advertising. Then I will plan outreach events at these <br />local grocery stores to expand on the LIS program and requirements. I will then encourage Medicare beneficiaries to <br />apply for these programs. <br />Client contact forms are submitted as quickly as possible once the counseling session has ended. PAM forms are <br />submitted as quickly as possible upon return to the SHIIP office in Lee County. <br />We (The Enrichment Center) have a strong relationship with the local Area Agency on Aging (Triangle J). We will <br />partner with Triangle J to conduct events as needed to meet grant requirements. <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />
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