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JLHCA, Inc. 0 79 <br />Planning Process Narrative (continued) <br />Staff composition in Johnston County consist of a STARS Senior Counselor/Supervisor and two (2) STARS <br />Counselors. Because of budget constraints in Lee County only one full-time STARS Counselor and one STARS <br />Counselor who works in Lee and Harnett County provide services to low-income people. <br />Harnett County has a STARS Senior Counselor/Supervisor and one (1) full time STARS Counselor. Another <br />STARS Counselor works in Harnett County three days a week. The CSBG Director monitors the total CSBG <br />Program (see organizational chart). When a participant enters the STARS office, a counselor will interview them <br />to assess their situation. The participant completes a 'Tell Me About Yourself' questionnaire so the counselor <br />can determine the next course of action. The counselor completes an intake and that information is assessed to <br />determine if. the participant is eligible for. enrollment. into the STARS Program. The file is then given to. the Senior <br />Counselor who will review it to determine if it meets the eligibility guidelines and to assign the participant to a <br />STARS Counselor. If the needs are for emergency food, a voucher is issued on-site and they are then referred <br />to Social Services to apply for food stamps. If the need is for emergency shelter, etc. the counselor will refer <br />them to the appropriate resource in order to link needs with services. <br />When needed the counselor will facilitate the process through direct communication, coordination of services to <br />help strengthen the link between the participant and service provider. <br />When a client comes in with a crisis, an intake is completed by a counselor and if eligible, the client is <br />referred to the STARS Senior Counselor who reviews all applications for determine eligibility. The <br />crisis is verified by contacting the vendor who can confirm the data shared by the applicant. <br />The senior counselor then searches for community resources or generates a voucher (if funds are <br />available) to meet the need. The agency has received grants from the Presbyteria of New Hope to assist <br />with rental deposits for eligible participants. The Emergency Food and Shelter Program provided grants <br />in Johnston and Harnett Counties to assist participants with utility bills and rental and/or mortgage <br />payments. The United Way of the Greater Triangle provides funds to assist low-income people in crisis <br />that lives in Johnston County, while the United Way of Harnett County help resolve emergency situations <br />in Harnett County. Cultivating partnerships with other organizations has proven to be a successful <br />endeavor for the agency to help build bridges and break down barriers. The goal is to provide a ladder <br />for disadvantaged individuals and /or families to use in order to step up and out of poverty. <br />The STARS Senior Counselors meet with the counselors on a weekly basis to discuss concerns, <br />participant progress, celebrate successes or setbacks that could potentially hinder the successful <br />achievement of the goals set by their self-sufficiency participants. During this meeting, potential <br />candidates for case management are discussed and the senior counselor then assigns a counselor to the <br />participant. <br />Many of the clients who enter the agency seeking emergency assistance were enrolled into the STARS <br />program after the crisis had been resolved, after it was determined the client would benefit from the case <br />management intervention. Some participants come to the agency seeking case management and others <br />are referred from other organizations/agencies. The STARS Counselors' meet with their case management <br />participants at least once a month to evaluate and review their goals. Counselors work with participants as <br />they move toward realizing their dreams and to help them rise above the poverty level. Group learning <br />activities are offered to participants on topics that can help affect positive changes in their life. Some workshops <br />offered are Job -Readiness, Financial Literacy, Income Tax Preparation, Consumer Education, Energy <br />Conservation and Insurance (all types), etc. Following up on their activities and/or their concerns is a basic but <br />essential part of the self-sufficiency experience. One major goal of casemanagement is that the participants will <br />adopt a more proactive approach in making life choices rather than being reactive: <br />Fiscal Year 2016-17 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 13 of 33 <br />