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036 <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR <br />Crealkl Regularly seeks new and Improved methodologies, policies and procedures for <br />enhancing the effectiveness of functions under charge. Employs imagination and creativity in ft <br />application of duties and responsibilities, is not adverse to change that supports achievement of <br />goals and objectives. <br />Human lie alio s; Strives to develop and maintain excellent rapport with personnel under <br />change. Listens to and considers their suggestions and complaints* and responds appropriately. <br />Establishes a work environment to promote and maintain mutual respect <br />Policy Imnlementatlon: Has a clear and comprehensive understanding of policies regarding <br />functions under charge and the function of the organization. Adheres to policies in the discharge <br />of duties and responsibilities, and ensures the same from personnel undercharge. <br />Pollicv Formulation: itllaintains awareness of changes in operating phllosophles and policies, <br />and routinely reviews pollctes to ensure any changes in philosophy or practice are appropriately <br />Incorporated into functions under charge. Recognizes and understands the relationship between <br />operating policies and practices and morale and performance. Strives to ensure that established <br />policies enhance same. <br />DISCLAIMER: This job description Is not an employment agreement or contract. <br />Management has the exclusive rlgbt to alter this Job description of any time without notice. <br />Revised 9/30/2009 <br />