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LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />JOB DESCRIPTION <br />JOB TITLE: EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR <br />OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB <br />Under limited supervision, performs supervisory administrative and professional work In the <br />development, coordfiaiion, and implementation of an effective, countywide emergency <br />management program to ensure proper planning and response to natural and man-made <br />emergencies and disasters. Work Involves directing the highly complex and diverse integrated <br />Emergency Services Program for the County of Lee, two municipalities of Sanford and Broadway, <br />one regional airport, one multi -campus community college, several State and government <br />facilities, public schools, facllittes storing and using hazardous materials, and Harris Nuclear Plant <br />faafllty; directing and overseeing the department which consists of three divisions; handling the <br />responsibility of Emergency Management division which is responsible for emergency planning <br />and preparedness, warning of the public, emergency shelter, emergency information, conducting <br />full-soate exercise, Homeland security grant management, equipment procurement; emergency <br />responder training, education, and response and coordination for emergency events- and <br />disasters; Work also involves providing budget management and establishing goals, policies, <br />and strategies for the department and divisions; serving as the key advisor for Homeland Security <br />and Weapons of Mass Destruction related issues for the County and munlctpaliffes; directing the <br />Emergency Operations Center during disasters and emergencies Including events at the Harris <br />Nuclear Far t}r, compiling, malniafiing, and synthesizing a variety of data related to emergency <br />events, hazardous materials storage, transportation and use, weather events, threats to the <br />community, and available emergency resources; performing work and maintaining operational <br />knowledge that is demanding, exacting, and Is often performed under stressfui and hazardous <br />conditions; and performing at nights and weekends by remaining on-call. Reports to the County <br />Manager. <br />SPECIFIC DUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS <br />Supervises department employees which Involve such duties as instructing, assigning and <br />reviewing work, maintaining standards, acting on employee problems, selecting new employees, <br />appraising employee performance, recommending promotions, disolpline, termination and salary <br />increases. <br />Fuliiils the duties of the Emergency Services Director as specified In local ordinance, and <br />State/Federal directives; manages and directs emergency personnel such as Fire Chiefs, Police <br />Chiefs, Sheriffs, EMS Directors, and department heads during signfflcant emergency and disaster <br />events; Interfaces with several Clty(County Managers, Mayors, and Elected Officials to keep them <br />advised of the situation. <br />Ensures operational readiness and emergency/disaster capabllfties of each element of local <br />029 <br />