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Minutes - Nov. 16, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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Minutes - Nov. 16, 2015 Reg. Meeting
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BK: 00027 PG: 0946 <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time Chair Dalrymple read and presented a Resolution Honoring Cooperative Extension <br />Director Susan Condlin on her upcoming retirement, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and <br />by this reference made a part hereof. <br />The Board heard a presentation from Mr. Ted Cole, Davenport & Company, LLC, regarding a <br />potential refunding of the 2006 Certificates of Participation (COPs) when the county issued <br />$28,355,000 to fund a new middle school, construct a multi-purpose room at Floyd L. Knight School, <br />construct and equip a 26 -acre Tramway Road Park, renovate and repair facilities at Central Carolina <br />Community College, and install a new roof at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. The 2006 COPs are <br />secured by Southern Lee High School and San Lee Middle School on a parity basis with the County's <br />Refunding Certificate of Participation, Series 2012. The 2006 COPs have current interest rates ranging <br />from 4.0% - 5.0% and are callable at any time beginning April 1, 2017, with no prepayment penalty. In <br />2012, the County refinanced the Certificates of Participation issued in 2004 and realized significant <br />savings. Since that time, Davenport & Company has been monitoring the markets for a potential <br />refunding of the 2006 COPs. In February 2014, the market was looking favorable for a refunding but <br />the County decided the savings were not yet significant enough. Mr. Cole discussed potential savings <br />for refunding at this time along with estimated debt service savings. The County has the option to <br />advance refund all or a portion of the 2006 COPs to achieve debt service savings. In order to <br />accomplish this refunding, the County would issue new Certificates of Participation and use the <br />proceeds to purchase securities for an escrow that would fund the debt service requirements of the <br />2006 COPs through April 1, 2017. Based on current municipal market interest rates, the County could <br />refund all or a portion of the $21,600,000 of outstanding 2006 COPs and realize the following levels of <br />estimated debt service savings: <br />• Gross Savings $1,485,003 <br />• Net Present Value Savings $1,246,712 <br />• NPV % Savings of Refunded COPs 6.5% <br />• Average Annual Savings $114,231 <br />• Negative Arbitrage $458,791 <br />Note: the estimated savings figures listed above are preliminary and subject to change based on <br />market conditions. <br />The County could consider two potential options for implementing the potential refinancing: A public <br />sale or a direct bank loan for Refunding Certificates of Participation. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated his recommendation was to authorize Davenport & <br />Company to seek bids through the bank bid process. After discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to <br />recommend the refinancing and authorize staff to bring the bid process to the Board at the December <br />7tn meeting for review and consideration. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a Proclamation for Farm -City Week. 4-H Director Bill Stone introduced <br />Ms. Elissa Neal, Lee County 4-H member who presented the Farm -City Proclamation designating the <br />
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