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00 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />TO: Commissioners <br />DATE: December 2, 2015 <br />REF: Selection of Chairman and Vice -Chairman <br />North Carolina General Statute §153A-39 provides in part as follows: <br />"At the first meeting in December of each year, the Board of Commissioners shall <br />choose one of its members as Chairman for the ensuring year ...... The Board shall <br />also at that time choose a Vice -Chairman to sit in the absence or disability of the <br />Chairman." <br />The regular methods of voting according to Robert's Rules of Order are as follows: <br />(1) By voice <br />(2) By rising <br />(3) By show of hands, or <br />(4) By ballot <br />The Open Meetings Law prohibits voting by secret ballot by a public body. It does permit use <br />of a written ballot under the following conditions: <br />(a) Each member of the Board so voting shall sign his/her ballot. <br />(b) The Minutes of the Board shall show the vote of each member. <br />(c) The ballot shall be available for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the <br />Board immediately following the meeting at which the vote took place and until the <br />Minutes of that meeting are approved, at which time the ballots may be destroyed. <br />In the past, voting has been held by voice and by ballot. <br />