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DAVENPORT & COMPANY <br />Potential Certificates of Participation Refunding Transaction <br />November 16, 2015 <br />031 <br />Historically, bank interest rates can be difficult to predict and are based on a number of factors including <br />interest rate environment, lending capacity, transaction terms and perceived credit quality. In order to <br />produce the same level of estimated savings available in the public market, the County would need to receive <br />a bank interest rate of approximately 2.74%. <br />Proposed Refunding Approach <br />In order to further evaluate the potential refunding options, Davenport recommends that the County pursue a <br />"dual -track" approach to the refinancing. This approach would begin with a Bank RFP process - the County <br />would be under no obligation to accept any bank proposals received and there are no costs to completing the <br />RFP process. This RFP process would allow the County to assess any potential bank refinancing options based <br />upon actual proposals compared to a public sale to determine a preferred approach. The process could be <br />completed in advance of the Board of County Commissioner's meeting on December 71h. <br />A preliminary schedule for this approach is outlined below: <br />November 16th: County Board considers moving forward with refunding <br />November 171h: Distribute RFP to local, regional, and national banks (direct bank loan) <br />Early December: Receive RFP Responses from banks (direct bank loan) <br />Mid December: County Board determines preferred refunding approach and holds public hearing <br />Early 2016: Implement Plan of Refinancing <br />Member NYSE I FINRA I SIPC Page 3 <br />