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BK -00027 PG:0923 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Being that realty described as follows: <br />All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Sanford, Jonesboro <br />Township, Lee County, North Carolina and more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Beginning at an iron stake, the northeast corner of a three -acre tract sold by E.P. <br />Snipes and W.W. Henley to Florida Watson, deed for which is recorded in the <br />Lee County Registry, and running from said corner S 17 W 3 %2 chains to a stake <br />in the McKoy line; thence as that line N 86 W 5'h chains to a new corner in said <br />line; thence S 34 E about 4'/2 chains to a stake, a new corner in the second line <br />of said three acre tract; thence as that line S 86 E about 3'/2 chains to the <br />beginning, containing two acres, more or less, and being the eastern two-thirds <br />of said three acre tract. <br />