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BK:00027 PG:0890 <br /> Mr. Thomas stated reference checks have been completed on the low bidder ELJ, Inc. Mr. Thomas <br /> and Mr. Spivey both recommended the bid be awarded to ELJ, Inc. in the amount of$51,350.00 for the <br /> waterline replacement project referenced above. Mr. Spivey also stated he was $21,790.00 over <br /> budget on this project and requested the Board approve an additional appropriation in this amount. <br /> After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve the low bid from ELJ, Inc. in the amount of <br /> $51,350.00, proceed with the above referenced project, and include a 10% contingency for the project. <br /> Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br /> Commissioner Smith questioned if the water at the Government Center had been tested. After <br /> discussion, it was agreed the Health Department would conduct water testing at the Lee County <br /> Government Center. <br /> The Board considered Budget Amendment # 10/05/15/03 which consisted of revisions to the <br /> following departments: <br /> Library—appropriate funds from the K. Brown Bequest Fund to purchase a <br /> computer and microfilm reader/scanner for the history room at the Library. <br /> Senior Services— rollover funds from FY 2014-15 for furniture that was ordered <br /> prior to June 30th but not received until July 2015. <br /> Senior Services-COLTS—adjust budget for actual grant allocations that <br /> differed from budgeted amounts. <br /> Solid Waste— using fund balance for a site assessment at the landfill per <br /> NCDENR <br /> Commissioner Reives moved to approve the above referenced Budget Amendment as presented. <br /> Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sloan, and Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br /> The Board considered a Resolution supporting TARPO road projects. Chair Dalrymple asked <br /> the Board to approve said Resolution as approved recently during the Triangle Area Rural Planning <br /> Organization (TARPO) meeting. Ms. Dalrymple outlined the following projects related to the City and <br /> County: <br /> HIGHWAY <br /> • Kelly Drive realignment at Central Carolina Community College in Sanford, <br /> • NC 78 widening project, from US 1 to Lemon Springs Road, <br /> • Colon Road modernization and widening from US 421 Bypass to Deep River Road. <br /> 4 <br />