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Agenda - 11-2-15 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda - 11-2-15 Reg. Meeting
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014 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BEDDB799-CDA8-45E8-AEDE-DBADD83AF8B9 <br />item, number of items, description, location, condition and identification number may be used to meet this <br />requirement. The Sub -Recipient must provide quarterly updates until all funds are expended. <br />ii. Sub -Recipient must ensure a control system exists to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, <br />damage or theft. Sub -Recipient shall be responsible for replacing or repairing equipment which is <br />willfully or negligently lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Any loss, damage or theft of the property <br />must be investigated and fully documented, and made part of the official project records. <br />iii. Sub -Recipient or equipment owner must ensure adequate maintenance procedures exist to keep the <br />equipment in good condition. <br />iv. Disposition Procedures. Sub -Recipient may dispose of the equipment when the original or <br />replacement equipment acquired under the grant award is no longer needed for the original project or <br />program. Items with a fair market value of less than $5,000 may be retained, transferred or otherwise <br />disposed of with prior approval of Recipient and in accordance with disposition requirements in 2 <br />C.F.R. Part 200. Items with a current per unit standard federal or fair market value in excess of <br />$5,000 may be retained, transferred or otherwise disposed of with prior Recipient approval in <br />accordance with disposition requirements in 2 C.P.R. Part 200. Sub -Recipient must provide <br />documentation that includes the method used to determine current fair market value. <br />v. Only authorized equipment listed in the Authorized Equipment List (AEL), with appropriate grant <br />listed are eligible for purchases from this grant. For more guidance visit www.fema gov <br />P. No indirect or administrative costs will be charged to this allocation award. <br />Sub -Recipients must utilize equipment as intended in their project application to NCEM. Any variation from <br />this intended use must be requested in writing and approved by NCEM. <br />Any equipment purchased under the Homeland Security Grant is subject to use as a regional asset to <br />be utilized by the US DHS, North Carolina Emergency Management, or Domestic Preparedness <br />Region partners and statewide as needed. Failure to adhere to this policy might result in revocation of <br />funds allocated for the purchase of said equipment. <br />R. Each Sub -Recipient must have a DUNS Number, prior to any funds being released. DUNS Numbers may be <br />obtained from either of the following web links: www.dnb com or <br />S. System for Award Management (SAM) registration is required for all applicants. Each Sub -Recipient shall <br />ensure that your organization's name, address, DUNS number and EIN are up to date in SAM and that the <br />DUNS number used in SAM is the same one used to apply for all FEMA awards. SAM information can be <br />found at Future payments will be contingent on the information provided in SAM; <br />therefore it is imperative that the information is correct. <br />T. The purchase or acquisition of any additional materials, equipment, accessories or supplies, or the provision <br />of any training, exercise or work activities beyond that identified in this MOA shall be the sole responsibility <br />of Sub -Recipient and shall not be reimbursed under this MOA. <br />U. HSGP Sub -Recipients certify that they have read and agree to abide by the Sub -Recipient instructions <br />provided in the sub-receipeint instructions document provided by NCEM. <br />9. Funding: All terms and conditions of this MOA are dependent upon and subject to the allocation of funds from <br />the DHS and NCEM for the purpose set forth and the MOA shall automatically terminate if funds cease to be <br />available. <br />A. All terms and conditions of this MOA are dependent upon and subject to the allocation of funds from <br />USDHS, FEMA and Recipient for the purposes set forth and the MOA shall automatically terminate if funds <br />cease to be available. Allowable costs shall be determined in accordance with the applicable USDHS <br />Program Guidelines, which include, but may not be limited to, the FY 2015 HSGP NOFOA, available at: <br />www.fema. ov, 2 CFR Parts 200 Sub -part F, 215, 220, 225. and 230, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) <br />5 <br />
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