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DocuSign Envelope ID: BEDDB799-CDA8.45E8-AEDE-DBADD83AF8B9 <br />D. Complete the procurement(s) process not later than 2/28/2018 <br />013 <br />E. Provide quarterly progress reports to the Homeland Security Grant Manager, DPR chair, and/or Branch Office <br />by the following dates: 15th January, 15th April, 15th July and 15th October each calendar the grant is active. <br />Attachment 2 <br />F. Provide a list at project completion phase to the Homeland Security Grant Manager, DPR chair, and/or <br />Branch Office listing all items purchased through the grant. <br />G. Comply with the applicable federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, reporting <br />requirements and certifications as outlined in the applicable HSGP NOFOA and Grant Award and Special <br />Conditions documents. <br />H. Maintain a grant management filing system as required in this MOA and Attachment 4. <br />Comply with current federal suspension and debarment regulations pursuant to 2 CFR 200 Sub -part F and <br />OMB Circular A-133 which states in pertinent part that "effective November 26, 2003, when a non-federal <br />entity enters into a covered transaction with an entity at a lower tier, the non-federal entity must verify that the <br />entity is not suspended or debarred or otherwise excluded. Sub -Recipient shall be responsible to ensure that it <br />has checked the federal System for Awards Management (SAM) <br />and the State Debarred Vendors Listing, to verify that contractors or <br />sub- Recipients have not been suspended or debarred from doing business with the federal government". <br />J. Ensure that HSGP funds are not used to support the hiring of any personnel for the purposes of fulfilling <br />traditional public safety duties or to supplant traditional public safety positions and responsilibities. <br />K. Non -supplanting Requirement. Federal grant funds will be used to supplement existing funds, and will not <br />replace (supplant) funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. <br />L. All materials publicizing or resulting from award activities shall contain this acknowledgement: "This <br />project was supported by a Federal award from the U.S. Department of Homeland security, office of <br />Grants and Training and Department of Public Safety, North Carolina Emergency Management " Use of <br />the federal program logo must be approved by DHS. Printed as a legend, either below or beside the logo shall <br />be the words "Funded by U.S. Department of Homeland Security. <br />M. The purchase or acquisition of any additional materials, equipment, accessories or supplies or completion of <br />any work activities beyond those identified in this MOA shall be the sole responsibility of Sub -Recipient and <br />shall not be reimbursed under this MOA. Sub -Recipient shall prominently mark any equipment purchased <br />with grant funding as follows: "Purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland <br />Security." <br />N. Sub -Recipient shall have sole responsibility for the maintenance, insurance, upkeep, and replacement of any <br />equipment procured pursuant to this Agreement unless hand receipted or transferred. <br />O. Sub -Recipient shall maintain an effective property management system that complies with the following <br />requirements. Equipment is defined as tangible, non -expendable property having a useful life of more than <br />one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Sub -Recipient may have property management <br />guidelines that are more restrictive, requiring a unit of equipment with a value of less than $5,000 to be <br />inventoried; if so, such equipment purchased under this award allocation shall be included on the report <br />submitted to Recipient. <br />i. Recipient and Sub -Recipient shall take an initial physical inventory of any equipment. The Grant <br />Summary, Cost Reports with backup documentation, Certificate of Title, and any other Sub -Recipient <br />reports or inventory reports that include information regarding the grant, vendor, invoice number, cost per <br />4 <br />