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BOOK P11 - 499 <br />N70RTH CAR.OLIsZA. <br />LEE COUNTY <br />THIS 'AGRTti'*;ME,N , made and c?ntercd into this, day of <br />January, 1911, by Letween LEE COUNTY, a political subdivisior. of <br />the State of North Cagrolina, hereinafter. cal le.d, t47ea "COUnty" and the. <br />CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal uor&roratior, located in said county of <br />Lee, hereinafter caller the "City", <br />tt I? N L r-I S, M <br />WHEREAS, the City, of Sii~nforcl has an existing, water (..urifi <br />cation plant storage faci.lities and distriFZuticn lines ar,4 sewage <br />disposal facilities; and <br />WHEREAS, the City is the largest municipality within, the <br />County ant its presE3nt ui?stribution system extends out into uni.ncor~po- <br />rated areas in the County.; a-d <br />WHEREAS, the County contemplates the issuance of general <br />O obligation bonds to finance water and sewer line extensions into <br />industrial sites within the County; and <br />WHis'REAS, the City; has agreed to participate in said program <br />D and to provide water and-sewage disposal service to the industrial <br />sites, and <br />WHEREAS, the parties desire a written, testimonial of their <br />agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the <br />mutual provisions herein contained and the mutual benefits to result <br />therefrom:, the parties agree as .follows: <br />1. The Boards agree it is to their advantage to extend water <br />a <br />and sever facilities to kadustrial areas and will consider all <br />applications made to them in good faith. <br />2. Applications for the extension of water.ans sewer facilities <br />to industrial sites will :only be considered for i:ndutries which meet <br />the following criteria: <br />(1) The industry must own their own property; <br />(2) The industrial facility must be in existence or final <br />type plans have been prepared and the industry is ready to <br />begin its construction phase; <br />